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Image Comments posted by dwrek


    I'm sure there is but I'd have no idea how to go about it. Just try isolating the arm and playing around until something happens, then make sure to try and remember it :b

    The womb.


    Very gripping and original - me likey!


    I'm not sure how I feel about the composition personally (as in, if I were in a similar situation I doubt I would have shot it this way), but I know the message you were going for, and it definitely comes through in this photograph.


    And really, isn't that all that matters? ;)



    Stefan, with this photo you have managed to transcend this woman's debatable (and ultimately beside the point) physical appearance and offer us an intimate look at her soul. I can only feel sorry for those whose vision is limited to seeing a "big nose" - this loving capture is wasted on them.


    When Steven said "it's the eye", he hit the nail on the head: her eye describes a beauty and sincerity far beyond the expression of an increased depth of field or change of lighting. It is in bringing these subtleties to light that photography finds its place as art, and you have done that masterfully here.


    Brilliant idea and presentation! If I were to nitpick I would worry about the colour of the skies matching more closely. Other than that: an amazing job capturing a truly unique idea.
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