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Image Comments posted by paul_boghita

  1. with a place like that nearby (I assume that's the case) I think you need to spend a lot of time there...:) About this picture, I find it too "busy". There are very interesting details though (I particularly like the lower left part) which deserve a revisit in my opinion
  2. I would not crop it but I would have gotten the church keepers to switch off their "artificial' lights. Otherwise I find this a very well taken picture with lots of messages on different levels. well done.


    nicely seen. I really like the green fern in the top left, it works really weel against the white. I think that the right half, the big stone is a little too much, but it may be just me.
  3. it really depends on the picture. The official limit is 100K. I find I can stay well within this limit if I save a picture to a comfortable viewing size on a 17" monitor. Gimp seems to be very good at really squeezing those jpegs without noticeable loss in quality.


    the first comment started me laughing for a while.. it's spot on. Actually I like the picture. I am not sure about the cropping, it feels a little too tight especially at the top. But apart from that, cool picture.


    beautiful picture, although the subject is not a happy one. It could be a metaphora of what it means to become uprooted in a strange environment. Surrounded by concrete we cherish the smallest reminder of what used to be home... the leaf or the tree trunk in this picture.


    personality is what this image has. I like it very much. could the subject have been a little more centered or is the positioning intentional with some purpose ? I am only asking because I want to learn.



    I played a little with cropping the image and it is not very easy. I guess it comes down to the fact that to me the focus of the picture is the bench. So i've isolated the bench but this may not be to everyone's liking.

    I didn't mention that I also liked the drama of the stones behind the bench, but how do you include them as well without unbalancing the picture by putting the bench in the middle... anyway the more I look at it the more I like your picture so, well done.



    I really like the clarity, the colours in this picture. Overall it has a nice pleasant feel to it. What I don't like is the cropping/composition. I am not sure what you based your cropping decision on but I would have took away some of the right half of the picture.


    To me this is a pleasant picture. I like the pink green colour combination. I am not sure about the other two flowers in the background. I think this picture would have worked better without them.
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