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Image Comments posted by alecmoody

  1. It looks like you painted black around the figure? The application is too messy and I think even if it was done cleaner it detracts from the photo. As it is you have a heavy negative space that doesn't do much. The figure is also exposed so much higher than the background that at no point does it fall in or out of the ground. This becomes very flattening and makes the man look like a cardboard cutout.
  2. I made some subtle contrast adjustments and applied a small sharpen (via the custom filter) The original version just didn't quite pop enough for my tastes.


    Also, you might consider some very careful color toning. Though I think if you tone it you you will need to use a very delicate touch.


    flamingo framed

    It looks like you shot at lowlight and used the in camera flash. What light might have been falling on the bird was obliterated by the flash. If you want to shoot during lowlight hours I would suggest you get a faster lens and not use the onboard flash.


    I like alot of what is going on in this photo but its really not sharp enough. Even for that small resolution. I also think you overdid the unsharp mask on it. It's way to easy to see that its has been processed heavily. Personally I would put this one in the pile of unusable photos just because it is so soft
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