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Image Comments posted by devoted


    If the background were tack-sharp, this motion shot would have worked. As it is, it does not - the eye isn't drawn to anything in particular and the subject is not defined from the background.


    slightly underexposed on this one; and while it saves the highlights in the dress it makes the image appear "flat". Bounce some more light into the bride's face to pull her out of the background. While the weather was clearly not great for producing contrast, the background needs a bit of it to be less flat - so don't be afraid to add it!


    This is a great idea for a shot, but it needs slightly more depth of field to be properly executed. The separation between subject and background is just this side of too little; a bit more bokeh and you would have had it! A nice composition.


    ...this is the cheesy post-production blur that people are getting on you about. It ruins what could have been a very nice standard photo. Add bokeh in the camera or not at all - this is visible a mile off and doesn't look great!



    Hi Kelly,


    This is one of the ones where "you got it"! Your exposure is spot on, you haven't added cheesy post production fake bokeh, there's no colour cast, and while you might want to watch the saturation levels (as the groom looks over-ruddy) the image has some punch to it. Very nice.

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