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Posts posted by yana_murphy

  1. <p>Hello all,<br>

    I've been a lurker here for a couple of years, admiring all of the amazing photos on this site. I chose not to join because I was still in the process of educating myself in this fine art form. I've now decided that even though I'm not quite as good as I'd like to be, my level of excitement and near-obsession with photography has pushed me to become a subscriber. <br>

    Please feel free to add any comments, suggestions, critiques to any of my photos! Many of them are posted in Flickr, where I've learned as much as I think I can, studying the EXIF data of photos I've liked over the years. So, if you have time, please have a look: http://www.flickr.com/photos/edwinsail/<br>

    Again, thanks for any suggestions!<br>

    --Yana Murphy</p>


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