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Image Comments posted by daniel_veratti

    Candles of Gaea


    Hi there..


    Woww... they look like crystal. Green and orange = great combination of colors..

    Great DOF. Perhaps I would focus a little closer.



    See you around..



    Hi there..


    First of all, thanks for your comment on my picture..


    As I can see, you like to experiment as do I and this kind of photography, requires time and you have to be pacient.

    This is a great start, i think you should experiment new angles, crops, diferent exposures times and so on.

    Try to work with isolated objects.. for example, only the flame or the reflection. The flame is out of focus here while the reflection is in focus. If you want to work with both, you have to keep in mind that probably one of them is going to be out of focus, and they have to complement each other.



    Hope it helps.

    Sorry if i was unpleasant.

    Keep it up.! As I sad this is a great start. And I think you have potential.

    Keep in mind that this is only my opinion..


    See you around.

    Best regards..



    Great image.. full of textures and a good color range.

    The only thing i would change: I would put the focus on the reflex of the building.. not on the stones..


    Great work.. keep it up.






    What an eye!!! It reminds me of cats eyes and the color is very "eye catching".

    Her skin is very smooth and soft and i like that.. There is only one thing that bothers me in this image, is the green color in her hair, you are able to see it and though its not present in the image.


    But the overall opinion is: Very beautiful image, and very eye catching.







    This photo reminds me of childreen books.. Simple and nice composition..

    Beautiful colors..




    See you around..



  1. Caroline..

    Eu acredito que você seja Brasileira..
    Que estrada é essa?? BR101?
    Apesar da idéia não ser muito original.. a foto de um modo geral está muito boa..
    Mas tem uma coisa que incomoda muito os olhos.. o horizonte.. uma dica: alinhe com o photoshop ou algum outro programa de edição de imagens.. sei que deve ter sido difícil tirar esta foto por que aparentemente você estava em um carro em movimento.. e pelo tamanho do sol dá para perceber que vc utilizou zoom, o que torna mais dificil ainda estabilizar a imagem.
    Pelo que eu vi em seu portifólio você tem potencial.. espero ter ajudado e desculpa qualquer coisa.. :)

    Vejo você por ai..
    Até mais.


    I believe that you are brazilian..
    What is that road?? BR101?
    Even the idea not being that original.. the photo is very good in a general way.
    But there is something that bothers me... the horizon.. one tip: try to align it with photoshop or any other image editing software.. i know that it must had been hard to take this photo because apparently you were on a moving car.. and by the size of the sun its possible to realise that you used zoom, what makes harder to stabilize the image.
    By what i have seen in your portifolio, you got potential.. i hope i might helped.. and sorry for anything :)

    See you around.



    Great capture in my opinion..

    Never saw a yellow wasp.. or at least I dont remember to have seen..


    I dont think the background distracts the eye that much because the wasp has a vivid color too. Excelent DOF and composition.


    See ya.




    Stunnig image, very expressive..

    Great texture and excelent shadows and DOF.

    I liked it very much.. mainly the way you are able to see her eye iris.






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