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Posts posted by mark_denman

  1. Jan,


    Everyone knows that Hallmark is a hugh investment. I've just graduated so I'm still in the process of finding work. I ultimate goal is to be

    self employed I'm still in the area and plan to make some trips to New York to meet some people and see what I can

    get started there. If it works out great if not we'll head back south to Nashville where I'll do freelance portrait work. I'm not too worried

    about my loan payments. I've got about six months to get things up and running and I fully believe my education will pay for

    itself if I approach my work as fervently as I approached my school work. My advice is to know what you want to do and

    work your hardest to perfect your skills while at school. Approach every assignment with professionalism. Challenge

    yourself everyday. When you are done you'll have the confidence to do any thing asked of you. That's what its about.


    The money will follow...

  2. Hey guys!


    First of all congrats on being accepted and your progress thus far in the admissions

    process. You guys have no clue what an experience you are in for. I am a current

    student in the 2008 class. I've had my portfolio reviewed and accepted on the first

    day. What a nerve-wrecking relief. Hallmark is as good as advertised and I've

    learned a tremendous amount in such a short time. The whole process of

    developing is not without frustrations. Trust me when I say its a part of learning to

    be a "REAL" photographer. Whatever frustrations you experience, know that every

    class before you experienced the same.


    I am very envious of you all. I'd go back to Hallmark in a second if I could. I have a

    ton of advice to give but its just entirely too much to give in this one post. Let me

    know if you have any questions and I will gladly give my tidbits of Hallmark wisdom.

    Take care and take advantage of every minute you are there. 10-months ends

    before you know it.



  3. Charity,


    I am a current student at Hallmark. I cannot tell you how much I have developed as a

    photographer since enrolling in this program. Its tough but anyone who has the passion

    for their craft will make it. The program is divided 60% photography and 40% business and

    every bit of class time and exercises we go through are worth it. Since you have already

    been in photography much this you will already know so in the beginning it might appear

    slow to you. Everyone starts from ground zero, so Fstops and shutters speeds might not

    be a new concept to you but it picks up and you slowly begin to develop and grow as a



    You absolutely made the right decision in pursuing Hallmark. We are in the final streatch

    of creating our final portfolio so my time here is almost done. I'm missing it already. Best

    of luck to you in your education and career.



  4. It's about human form. I like it. It looks like the blur was intentional and the lighting

    intentionally dramatic. I do echo the sentiments from a posing stand point that the hand

    that comes out of the dark onto her stomach is a bit spooky. I would have taken another

    shot without the left hand on the stomach or burned it down some. These are just our

    opinions. Photography is art so its really about what you see and how your feel it.


    Keep pushing the envelope.

  5. I did website design before I started with photography. So I'll chime in with my



    1. I'd lose the "skip Intro page" Reason... Don't offer anyone coming to your site the

    choice to "skip" anything. It sends a message that you think what your showing them

    might not be that important to view. It also suggest that you think your potential clients

    might want to just get on with viewing your site and not be bothered by an intro slide

    show. If that's the case take them immediately to your site and leave the Intro slide show

    out all together. "Personally" If I'm given the choice to skip anything, I skip it.


    2. On your front page of the site, make your name smaller and the image bigger. Make

    your site image-centric. Its not about who you are its about the work you've done and can

    do. This would be a good place for a slide show of select images from your work. You

    already have your name in the bottom left corner. That's great. Add "photography" to it

    and incorporate the "..." logo and you are set. The other pages look good and your

    images are really nice.


    Hope some of this helps. If not, its just my thoughts. On a whole your work looks good. Very professional. Keep it up. :)

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