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brian naughton

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Image Comments posted by brian naughton

    F-20 Eagle missille

    A beautiful moment captured very well - and having read one of the comments above and I am glad it is a completely real shot with limited manipulation. Lovely and sharp too. Should be a popular one commercially too for stock agencies, etc.
  1. Hi there George, thanks for your comment and welcome note. This one is great - like quite a few of the other shots too. It's funny what growing up looking at Magnum pics does to one's photographic sensibilities subconciously!

    breakfast in Tia

    This is fantastic - beautifully seen and composed, lots of contrast, would love to see it bigger for the sake of detail, the kind of picture I associate with rangefinders. Great work!

    Nausad Ali

    I like this - a strong picture, well lit, quite timeless, could be contemporary, could be 50 yrs old, looks slightly colourised - I think slightly less blue would make it stronger still (reduced saturation). I like monochrome images though and this is an interesting subject well captured.


    Like the composition and the grain, looks like it has been 'pushed' but suits the subject matter. My main criticism would be that pictures like this lose something when they are untitled and don't have a caption explaining the context!
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