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Image Comments posted by ted_smith1

  1. This is an example of a shot that probably has significance to you (your old school?) but as it is, it's a fairly flat photo. The same subject photographed early or late with the warmer sun would make for more contrasting shadows and textures, as well as warming it up a bit.


    A nice shot. I love the backlighting which mkaes her hair look great and I assume you used a reflector for the colour in her face (unless that was the sand). I would however have liked to have seen her legs with a similar glow to her face and arms. As they are they look a bit 'pale' in comparison which makes them look odd in the frame.


    Well composed, a lovely shot. My only criticism is I'd have liked to have seen her whole face in focus. Her chin and part of her mouth look blurry.
  2. It's a nice zoom. Looking at your lens, I can only assume you've cropped the image or you were lucky enough to get close to the Sparrow? At first galnce, it looks like a long distance shot.


    It's very nice - a warming shot. It could do with being sharper though I feel.


    Well done.



    Air Sharky

    Excellent capture. Superbly framed too. I like the addition of the background, but I wonder if a UV filter might have complimented the background? Maybe not as it may have made it too pronounced and distracted from Sharky. Just a thought. Superb though - well done.


    Superb originality - high impact. Having just the one eye looking at the camera is another nice touch. I'd have preferred to see it more natural though - the skin looks like it's been smoothed too much - it shouts out 'touched up, blemished out' and it doesn't need to have.


    With a capture as well timed as that, what can you say? Superb. I would, though, have liked a slightly tighter crop in the sense of placing the bird slightly higher to capture all of his reflection. But I'm reaching...well done


    I nice clear capture, but I would have got closer to the plant (if your lens will allow) to tighten the crop. I'd have decrease the DOF too - the background branches are a bit too 'busy' for me. But a nice shot nonetheless.
  3. Great capture!! The bird on it's own is a great shot but to have it with a catch as well is outstanding. Nicely framed too - the grass adds to the drama and the empty space above adds to the sense of scale provided by the birds wing span. Well done.

    Karakal Lynx

    A nice capture. Not sure if the object in the background is a stone or a kill. If it's a kill I can understand getting in the frame in such a prominet way as it is linked with the main subject. But If it's a stone, I'd have discarded it and captured more of the Lynx which is afterall, the main subject. I realise 'off centre' is very in-keeping at the moment, but I only think it should be done if the subject can afford to be discarded - in this case you're photographing a Lynx so why leave 50% of the frame empty especially when the viewer cannot easily determine what it is in the background? Just a thought. Nice shot though. :-)
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