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Image Comments posted by jordan_banks1

    Djemma el Fna

    I spend alot of time in Morocco and this place seems very familiar! I like the idea but there is a little to much of a dark area(in the orange sellers stands)but i like the idea. You can see my images from Marrakesh & Morocco at www.jordanbanksphoto.com(would like to know what you thinck)


    Where in Croatia is that? I live in Croatia(my girlfriend is Croatian)and i love to see images from there. This is a very nice image please let me know if you have more as i would love to see them˝. I love to see images from my ˝home˝. I have a few on my website www.jordanbanksphoto.com let me know what you thinck.


    Hey Bobby. Hows Guate? Nice shot, when were you there? It was hard having to work in Venice but someone has to do it. Check out my new weppage www.jordanbanksphoto.com and drop me a line either in my guestbook or contacts so that i have your email. Would like to keep in touch. All the best and say hello to everyone for me. Thanks Jordan

    Blue skirt

    Could be a nice shot but the highlights are too blown out and the saturation of the colours is just unnatural. I lkie the composition so depending on the original file you could maybe alter this in PS

    Angkor Wat


    Cool as you dont need to show us the other print as long as u new what you had done and done it delibretly thats fine. glad you took the comment well as some dont and we would never learn otherwise. Take care


    Angkor Wat

    Hi Craig, i like the composition of the image but i think you need to check your wight balance/coluor balance settings as this image seems to have a very yellow colour cast which to me atleast is very overpowering and destracting. As does the image you posted earlier.
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