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Posts posted by tww

  1. The jpeg and RAW settings are independent of each other. e.g., you don't set the same amount of sharpness from the jpeg or RAW using the same sharpness (or any other) setting. So the jpeg+RAW option is really pointless since you end up with two different images.


    Other RAW converters ignore in-camera settings, so there's even less comparison possible.

  2. The XT uses different firmware from the Kiss Digital N (and the 350D), but the firmware are always released on the same day, since the cameras are identical in every way except the name. (The name is stored in the EXIF data.)


    Why get an XT? Local warranty maybe?


    (I have a 30D and a Kiss Digital X.)

  3. Actually, those websites that document counterfeit cards, even eBay's own, are often not that accurate. eBay says one of the easiest ways is to tell by the packaging and the stickers, but that might only tell you if the card is a gray market or parallel import card. The packaging that eBay says definitely shows that if a Sandisk card is fake is the EXACT type of packaging that Sandisk uses in my country.


    And as a result of people in my country translating those English websites into our language, and then the "real fake" cards sold here are the type with American packaging. It proves you can't tell a thing from the packaging.

  4. I don't know about the EOS 5/A2, but when I had a Nikon D70, I had a LOT of trouble metering with a polarizer. No such problems with my 30D now, but I have a different polarizer too. Both are Hoya circular, but the one I use on the 30D is a Hoya PRO1 77mm, while the previous one was a regular uncoated Hoya 72mm. I don't know if it's because of the coating, or the different lenses (kit lens vs. L lenses), or if it's the camera itself that's making the difference...
  5. Wherever you keep your stuff, be sure you can actually get to them when you need them. Recently I shot a wedding in a home, so I borrowed an empty guest room to keep my gear. But when I actually needed something, I found out the room was locked by accident and there was no key! Luckily the guest room was on the first floor.
  6. ProShow's DVD burning / ISO creation depends a lot on your computer speed. So you need to make sure your images and music are all accessible on a fast/local drive, disable all screensavers and background tasks, and don't use the computer while it's creating your show.
  7. The exact same thing happened to me a few days ago. I have a Lexar Professional 80X that I've been using with Nikons for almost 2 years. It's on the Lexar recall list but Lexar only said to exchange it for certain older Canon cameras. Since I was using Nikon I never bothered to exchange it eventhough occasionally the card doens't get detected when I put it in a camera, I would just take the card out and re-insert. And I wrongly thought that future Canons would not have a problem with it.


    Anyway, I got a 30D recently and I not just lost a whole card of images by the "busy" message then camera locking up, the card also would not work any more even when I put it in a card reader. Now Windows just shows an error if I try to access the card.


    I'm also never buying Lexar again. Now I have some Kingston Elite Pro cards that work perfectly.

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