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Posts posted by saurabh1

  1. To add to Steve's point, the RAW files are basically pixel intensity values along with metadata (data about data). This metadata may include a tag such as camera being set to sRGB, whitebalance etc. But RAW data is essentially black and white to say (only intensity). The color is assigned to it depending on which pixel it comes from.
  2. this is a very good lens so it should not have the focus problem. this lens can focus close subjects so try autofocusing one so you can even see in the viewfinder whether it is focusing well or not.
  3. 17-55 is the way to go if you plan to keep this lens on your camera all the time. As it has already been said, it is a personal choice. Having being in the dilemma you are going through I decided to go with 10-22 and 24-70. BTW I feel that 24-70 is too heavy to be a walk around lens. I like it for its image quality and hope to use it on FF camera but certainly would not recommend it as a walk around lens. Just my personal choice but I find 50mm f/1.4 to be a perfect walk around lens on my 30D.
  4. 18-200 is a very broad range and my guess is that with such a broad zoom range the image quality suffers. So Canon may get a lot of entry level people buying this type of lens but will not find old customers switching to or stepping up to this lens. They seem to be wanting people to buy their "good" stuff and sure enough over the years the "better" comes along and the cycle continues.


    Currently a lot of people are switching to SLR's from point and shoot cameras and must be finding a broad range zoom very irresistible. But soon enough the photography bug will bite them and they will want better lenses. If that does not happen they will leave the bulkiness of SLR and go back to point and shoot. Point and shoot are getting quite nice these days and with G9 you even get RAW.


    This is also the reason why I think Canon is not coming up with Nikon D40 equivalent. Anyway, just my $0.02.

  5. I would say go with 17-55 if you are planning to stick with 1.6 crop factor camera. You will have less frequent lens changes and that will keep some dust away from the sensor. Personally I have 24-70 because I plan to move to full frame camera sometimes in future and I do not need IS in this range that much.
  6. 24-70 is a very nice lens for weddings but on full frame camera. I guess you could use it on Rebel XT too. You will have a little longer reach than 17-55. Both are optically good. Do you need the wide angle of 17-55 for group shots? If not I would say go with 24-70.
  7. I agree. I use 50 f/1.4 most of the time on my 30D but wish it were little wider. For a normal perspective there a few choices such as Sigma 30 f/1.4, EF 35 f/2 and maybe also 28 f/1.8 but from the reviews it appears that all these lenses are no where close to 50 f/1.4 in image quality. So maybe I will get one of these in future but in the mean time I am hoping that Canon brings out a small, light and fast prime. I would not mind it being an EF-S. Current 35 f/1.4 is great but again it is bulky.
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