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Image Comments posted by tgood

  1. Honestly... I find this image to be poor quality even as a composite goes. The images put together don't make sense. You could have put North Korean soldiers in front of this aircraft and it would make as much sense. None of the components fit. First of all you have the apocalypse in the background, but brought on by what? The modern CARGO (not bomber) aircraft, or the soldiers who's uniforms are out of era (I'm guessing 70's). The cut-and-paste work around, most noticebly, the engines lacks any level of true workmanship. Poorly thought out, poorly executed, and without the image title... meaningless. Just my opinion though. My four-year old just indicated to me that he liked the image. Go figure.


    Also, keep in mind, the Armed "Madhouse" exists not within our courageous defenders, but with the clowns in Washington. I'm extremely proud of our military, I wish you were too.

    'Sign Language'

    Certainaly that sign is very complex, not likely a part of mainstream sign language. My first guess was that he was expressing some sort of gang identity sign. But, the lack of tatoos, and the polite disposition you describe hardly fits the gangster profile. could still be some sort of brotherhood identity. I'm positive that I know less about what he meant than you. Nice capture John none-the-less.
  2. I enjoy the somewhat satiricle effect this picture has. Definately out of the usual homeless person picture. Photographically speaking, I like the angles and composition. I also like the perfect timing of the shot relative to his step. Don't know if it was meant to be enjoyable, but I find it so.

    State of Mind

    Thank you for the kind compliment. I originally posted this as a black and white, but decided it was too gray and too lifeless. Sort of contrary to what I wanted to say about her. So I reverted back to color. And yes, she is absolutely playful and young at heart. Always has been that way. She's also my Grandma.

    Frozen Falls

    Spectacular shot. I don't envy you at all though. I get cold enough where I'm at, and it never gets cold enough to stop a waterfall in its tracks. So I will just enjoy the veiw from here... thanks to your slugging it out in the cold. I like the color saturation BTW.



    Indeed... they loved the poster. I had it printed on the metallic paper and it really popped. Ever since, I've been putting together all sorts of posters for other kids in baseball, football and soccer. Recently I've added a couple new concepts to my poster offerings. One uses the same type poster above, but has a digital frame added that I purchased through Express Digital. The other is a narrower frame. I imitated a style that I saw another website trying to sell. I didn't buy it though. It didn't have any flashy graphics and was easy to assemble in Photoshop, then import to express digital. I'll attach a couple to this post. I appreciate your comment!




    Getting a break from the action was more than this youngster could

    stand. Not content to being on the bench, even for a moment.

    Individual Portrait

    Thank you for your perspective. I have a tendancy to experiment with my photos. There were elements of this photo that I really liked from the beginning, and there were elements I did not like. I did not like the original composition. That comes from shooting an entire team on a tri-pod and attempting to not reposition for each teammate. Easy fix, but I decided to play a little more. I liked the a lot initially., but the more I looked at this version, the less I liked it. It could be that I got carried away burning and blurring the edges. In the end I didn't acheive the image I was going for. Thanks for your thoughts.

    The Masks

    I love the photo. I see and agree about the sharper focus on the boy with the stars and stripes. I like your explanation of distance to Marjorie. I also think the picture has a sense of brotherhood, which seems in line with your description at the begining. These two may or may not be brothers, but having them both in view creates that moment for myself. It truly is one of your finer pictures... nicely done.
  3. This could be tied with your sunrise version in my book. I love the angle you shot this from. It once again looks like a much larger bridge. But this angle offers a gentler rolling form to the viewer. Amazing how a single structure can provide so many shapes to the lens. And the whites against the blues are fantastic (noting the blue in the support on the left against the white sky, and the white support on the right against the blue sky). Great shot.
  4. Great picture Patrick. I wouldn't change a thing. I like how the door creates a bit of a triad with the tanker and passenger cars. Each element contributes its own piece of the story. The converging rails create a focal point on the horizon, giving a place for the eyes to rest. The elements are placed quite comfortably around that point, making this pleasing to look at. I tried to crop the door with my hand and the photo really lost its balance. To me, it's a very strong and interesting picture to study.

    The Bridge

    I remember looking at your sunrise version before. I am amazed at how that other photo really fools the viewer into thinking this is an enourmous bridge. Looking at it in full light, it's really a rather small bridge, isn't it? I think it's the roadway that gives it away. Beautiful bridge against a beautiful blue sky though.
  5. Juha, you got me... actually a Herpa 1:200 scale (no assembly required). They didn't have any jetways available so it had to be handcarved, set into cast iron, and then molded into plastic... ha ; ))

    Thanks for taking a look. Interesting about the tilt and shift lens. Clearly a much more efficient way to acomplish this effect. The first time I saw this style, I thought it might be done with a Lensbaby lens, but quickly realized it was well beyond the scope of a Lensbaby. Tilt and shift lens definately seems more up to the task, much broader areas of focus. If only I hadn't spent all my money on a new wide angle lens this year.

  6. Anthony, thank you for your feedback. You confirmed that I may have had some success in my attempt. I was practicing a blurring process to compress the perceived DOF giving the image the appearance that it might be a highly detailed model rather than the real thing. A technique I hope to exploit sometime in a future image.


    Great portrait work Jerry. Love the expression and the pose. This B/W version vs. your color version... tough call. They are both very good. I would love to see this B/W version without the framing effect though. Just curious how this would look as a straight forward traditional portrait. Terrific photo none-the-less.
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