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Image Comments posted by dwphoto

  1. Thomas, this is one of the most impressive shots I have ever seen (and I've seen a lot.) The pose is strong, blatantly sexual, while demure. That's a tough balance to achieve and you have hit the mark. Wow!

    Step over

    Really like the pose on this shot. Very nicely done, good balance of tension and relaxation. Lighting is nice, perhaps a little lacking in shadows. Overall, very nicely done by you both.
  2. Alright, you have received many reviews, all in the high positive. Well, I've got a few minutes, so I'm going to wax poetic. Sascha, this is an amazing photo. All of your work has intention and grace. But you have hit the center on this one. There is obvious tension in the shot, but the model balances it with ease. The left leg is relaxed beautifully for the tension carried throughout the right. Her right arm supports her with confidence and allows her to meet the ground.


    Light & shadow could not be any better, truly. Your choice of lighting source angles really defines the diagonal clearly. But nudes are nudes and at their core they are about the beauty and excitement that the human body exposes and reflects in us. She is beautiful and even more so, she knows how to move. How can one know in a still shot? Because, she had to move from whatever starting point to get to where she is. That doesn't happen by accident - but by form.


    Thank you both.


    I love trenchcoats! This image has a lot going for it. My wife, who is our posing consultant says that the angle of the hips is too straight forward. Having the model shift slightly into more of an s-curve would clean the lines through the pubic and belly region while still maintaining the frontal view.
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