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Image Comments posted by edward_thomas3

  1. This was taken on a pretty sunny day at the Cape of Good Hope, but

    somehow the light conspired for a few minutes to produce this scene,

    which pretty perfectly sums up the area. This is a colour film with

    no manipulation or desaturation, and I love the effect. What do you

    guys think?

  2. This is one of my favorite prints. It is a pretty much straight print

    at grade 4, and I gave the far door an extra 1/3rd of a stop at grade

    2. How would you people improve this print, are there any other areas

    you feel could benefit from some dodging or burning?


    Also any comments on the composition, exposure etc, are, as always

    very welcome.

  3. In regard to your question on sharpness, can you provide the following information:

    Did you use a remote release or the self timer
    Did you use mirror lock up
    Are there any filters used
    What lens was used

    I am also interested in why you pushed the Velvia rather than just opening the aperture by one stop.

    Initial thoughts as to the unsharpness could be:

    Diffraction caused by the tiny aperture
    Movement of the subject caused by air disturbance
    Movement of the camera due to vibration
    The filter or lens being used
    The scanner used to digitise the negative
  4. This is from my first attempt at concert photography. I realise the

    image is a little soft, a combination of manual focussing under

    pressure and holding a 135mm lens at 1/30th will do that to an

    image :)


    What I would like feedback on is the general composition, as well as

    any general thoughts.

  5. You are correct in that I am just starting to print, I picked up a 25 pack of RC and 25 of FB, I have used up all my RC paper and wanted to try a fibre based print. It was just curiosity really.


    Thanks for the tips, I will retry this weekend and repost the image.


    Very nice picture, spot on lighting and framing. By the way, I think your little sister has a future in modelling, she looks like a natural :)
  6. Maybe instead of trying to get rid of the cage lines, you could open up the DoF a little and bring them more into the picture. If there is nothing you can do to get behind them, make a feature of them, an image of the Hawk caged would be a little different - and would stand out amongst the hundreds of bird pictures that are around.
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