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Image Comments posted by tkorocky

  1. I like this very much. The contrast between the clouds, the railing, and the tile (?) is amazing. To me it has an Alice in Wonderland feel, I expect to see the white knight any moment. Textures are wonderful, from the sea through the railing, to the clouds, to the patterns of light and dark. It's strange how the different element fit together so well - from the painterly clouds to the geometric shapes. It really looks painted to me.


    About the only negative appears to be some lens flare or reflections on the right, which normally I don't care about but since this is kind of a surrealistic, painterly image, brings us down to earth too quickly.

    Look up :)

    Nice, I like this type of shot, great contrast. The bottom right corner (the dark one) bothers me a little. Not sure if a different composition was possible, but the diagonal crossing and general darkness tends to block the eye from going upward, contrary to your title.


    Very nice, texture is excellent. I think the right side s/b cropped to remove the vertical wall. I'm not sure about the left side w/the bright window. Perhaps you could try different crops their as well? The center left to right ceiling post is the dominate feature, with the brighter section underlaying it on the bottom. Everything is rushing towards the far center except the left and right. Great shot! Many shots could be taken at this location.

    Blue Y


    Very, very nice, love the painterly look, great lighting and tones on the model, the surrounding blue is very nice, fits together really well.


    One quibble is that the forearm shadow is very dark, almost black, a little strange looking to me. I would have preferred it to be somewhat lighter. Also, the shadow across her thigh is maybe just a little too sharp at the edges compared to the diffused lighting elsewhere, could be wrong on that one.

    Eldritch woods

    Stunning. Great light, great sense of depth due to the light, great fore and background color and textures. Very elvish and mysterious. Love the texture and color of the trees.



    I like this a lot. Nice photographty, nice location, very unique. I might have preferred the central rock figure to be offset to the left (kind of rule of thirds, not that I believe in rules) so that you get a kind of diagonal line connecting the rock pillars.


    Can you tell us where this was taking? Very interesting.


    Very nice, great model, good pose, but I'm sure about the background - a wrinkled sheet with a seam? She deserves better. How about converting the background to high key or something, just burn it out and leave traces?



    Very nice, this could have been just a trashy landscape but you made it into a lot more. The centered smokestack is nice, the path off to the distance is nice (kind of a yellow brick road to the kingdom, only the kingdom is a smokestack), and the log contrasts very nicely. The dynamics and tonality are great, and there is a story.


    Can't think of too much that could be improved. Maybe a more mysterious sky? But that's nit picking. Great work.



    This is a very nice composition, a lot of things going on, makes you look and observe. The rounded curve of the road, the organized straight lines of the planted trees, the unplanned curve of the foreground tree. The blackness of the solitary tree goes nicely with the bushes at the left. Nice tonalities and all.


    What I think would make this jump from very good to great is a figure on the road, someone interesting that fits in with the theme, something to set the photo off. Two innocent children? A tired figure? The picture is a great background waiting for something to happen



    "Spasa na krovi"


    Very nice, I like 90% of it, however, it bothers me that the canal is so red while the sky is so weak. This creates a strong imbalance in the picture - almost bottom heavy. I guess I'd emphasize the sky color while backing off on the canal color. Or, maybe think of another treatment for the sky that ties in with the painterly look of the rest of the picture.


    The buildings and boats are done very nicely color wise. composition is great, so it's just the sky that bothers me.

  2. What, no comments! This is a great pictures. I like the whimsey (but is the tree being unfaithful to it's partner on the right?), I like the bottom red carpet picking u pthe red in the trees with the green sandwhiched inbetween. I like the fact that you didn't use a large DOF, and instead had the foreground red blur into an abstract. The shading on the tree trunks is nice as well.


    The picture appears tilted clockwise just a little. It's possible the foreground could be cropped just a little, maybe too much red, just need a stripe of red, try it and see. Those are minor complaints, and easily fixed, overall a nice picture.




    Well, it's a pretty nice picture so it's hard to be brutal. I like the soft background, the wrap fits into the background and conceals while being artistic. I think the face deserves a little more light, even though you can argue that the stomach is the center of attention, the lady/husband will relate to the face as well, so maybe lighten the face a little. The belly as well, being the focus w/the face, might need a little key light to bring it up just a tad, or maybe just a stronger edge light. I like the looking downward of the face, the hand position (part of me wonders what happens to the other hand, looks a little awkward, would have to see other right hand positions) A superior shot of this type.

    Petronas twins

    Good shot. I've been there, taking this shot, and I know it's not that easy to get - hard to find a good vantage point. I personally like the fact that you didn't correct the tower tilt - makes them look like they are shooting up into space. Nice exposure, and like the different light sources and colors.



    It is very nice, very well done, good pose. I like it, but have a few comments (not really criticisms, just thoughts, depending on what you were trying to achieve):


    1.) The face is very clear, very modern looking, makeup, etc., while the rest of the print of very tribal, ancient, faded. Something of a clash.


    2.) The ring/wedding band on the hand again seems somewhat modern.


    3.) If this were an attempt to make a kind of reproduction of a tribal print a few pieces of ethic jewelry might be nice.


    I like it very much. The lighting, model, and pose are all very nice. Do I like the plastic drape on the back that suggests a shower? Not sure, but it's not too important. The arms are great, the figure, as revealed by only outline and touches of light, is interesting. Good job, I know it's very difficult to come up with an original nude.
  3. Nice, good eye, good composition with the arch framing different picture elements and bringing them together. Good play of light, nice blacks.


    I might have used some perspective adjustment to make the lines more vertical (or maybe they are naturally crooked?). That's about the only adjustment I might try.

    Broken I

    I don't usually critique what I call hybrids (highly reworked photos, to the point they look like original art.) I honestly couldn't tell you whether this is a photo or a drawing! None the less, I like it very much. Very nicely done, from the color with black background, to the ink strokes and all. Would look great on anyone's wall. You did a great job expressing a mood. Sorry, don't really know how to rate something that is/isn't a photo, but great job.


    Very nice, I like it very much, but I might remove the solitary black object on the left, distracts from the balance and at the viewing size it's just a blob.

    innocent fun!

    Very nice, good composition. I think this would have been a great picture (as opposed to a good picture) if the background road wasn't showing. Imagine the little girl surrounded by birds . . be that as it may, we can't control everything. I like the sense of motion, you can almost feel the little girl spinning and enjoying hereself. Perfect shutter speed for this. The touch of blur on the right corner of the dress adds to the picture in my opinion.


    Great picture, fantastic clouds, how did you get the lighthouse so white? My only complaint is the pick up truck - and those two guy should have been fishing in old style slickers. Really, the modern truck does clash w/the almost painterly clouds. Was there a sunbeam on the lighthouse, or was it retouched somehow? Anyway, you can't control everything, great picture.


    Great pose, face, smile. I like the sun glare. I would like to see a version with the dark and light points adjusted. That would increase the contrast and make everything snap.
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