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Image Comments posted by teknikal_pan


    Exceptional job on this one! Beautifully framed, nice tones. The expressions of the clowns are also remarkable. The atmosphere of this shot evokes shades of Fellini's "La Strada." The only thing I'm wondering about is the lower righthand corner - is that somebody's arm? What would the image look like with that cropped out?

    pride 1


    This looks like it should have been on the cover for the latest of the "Child's Play" series.


    Kind of like someone took a Salvador Dali postcard and put it through Photoshop.

  1. From the Top of Rockefeller Center at Twilight after begging the guard to let me use my

    tabletop tripod I had just bought! Apparently they are trying to stop people from taking

    nightshots so they can have a monopoly them! Anyway, No photoshop, just Fuji's 64 speed

    Tungsten film to paint the city in blue...

    WHERE iS ?

    The subject is interesting but this looks like a photo that's been heavily manipulated. Still can't see why "desaturating" in photo shop to create a black and white image impresses so many people on this website.
  2. At 17mm, in order to capture as much of the bridges as possible. Included as much water as

    I could without getting really bad distortion on the building/bridges. Still too much sky?

  3. From the Empire State Building around 8:30 AM, the city bathed in morning sunlight. Had

    some Portra 400 VC in the camera, not ideal for shooting this scene, but I tried to make the

    most of it. Comments?

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