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Posts posted by jeff_pierce1

  1. While the FF would be nice for the reduced noise while shooting dance, it would put a crimp on my lens options.


    For the same price as a 5D and 85 1.8, I'm now leaning towards a 30D with the 35L and 85 1.8. Are those two lenses on a 1.6X a viable choice for shooting dance? The performance spaces are usually fairly dark, and rather small - we're not in Carnegie Hall just yet... ;-)


    I usually go to a few of the shows, so I thought it would be fun to shoot each night with a different FL.

  2. I've never owned anything but a point and shoot, but have always wanted more

    creative freedom. Photoshop is something I've started to explore with my 2mp

    sony cybershot but the camera shortcomings are obvious and keep me from

    putting too much into it.


    With the upcoming rebates on the 5D and 30D, I was thinking about jumping in

    head first. I'm leaning towards Canon over the competition since I plan to do

    a lot of low-light shooting (my wife is a dancer/choreographer) - something

    I've never been able to capture.


    The photography (using the term very loosely at this point) I do with my

    cybershot is usually on mountaineering trips (skiing, hiking, landscape, etc.).


    I don't want to buy a camera I'll need to upgrade soon. (I understand

    technology and fully expect to see twice the camera I buy this year for half

    the price in 3 years.) Quality is important to me and I'd like to go FF for

    the improved image.


    If I can get a 5D for $2,100 after a $600 rebate, it should be a great camera

    to learn with, and also expect to get great photo's from (when I get lucky).


    I'd buy a good prime (50 or 85) to start taking test shots and learning how to

    use the camera. As my skill grows and I learn how to compose an image, I can

    invest in a good zoom. Again, I'm leaning towards the 5D so I can buy lenses

    in the future and not worry about upgrading bodies.


    Am I insane? Photography is the creative outlet I've been looking for, but so

    far I am without tools.

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