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Posts posted by paul_szilard

  1. <p>I have a mirrorless cameras to complement my Nikon D700 + D300 kit. I believe in trying to use the right tool for the right job, and love the features that each device brings to the table.</p>


    <li><strong>Fuji X100</strong> - love the full APS-C sensor and the fixed lens allows a leaf shutter construction resulting in flash sync up to 1/4000s. Also not much chance of dust on sensor as the lens is not only fixed but not a trombing zoom, which are notorious for sucking in dust. Most people have read about the quality, so I won't go into that.</li>

    <li><strong>Ricoh GX100</strong> - got it some time ago, especially like the 24mm (equivalent) wide setting. I use the clip on EVF, which makes for a very compact quality camera, with full manual over-ride</li>

    <li><strong>iPhone 4 </strong>- the always with me camera. Surprisingly versatile, if used intelligently. Love the built in GPS tagging, for travel work.</li>

    <li><strong>iPad 2</strong> - camera is inferior to the iPhone, but expect it to be updated soon in iPad 3</li>


    <p>Of the above set, the X100 is my clear favourite. I actually like the foot-zoom (i.e. use your feet to get closer) and the fast f2 lens is just beautiful.<br>

    Some pics from my X100...<br>

    <img src="http://photos.remektek.com.au/Other/Fuji-X100-examples/i-KJ7wWvs/0/M/DSCF2061-M.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="http://photos.remektek.com.au/Other/Fuji-X100-examples/i-jX3xb2m/0/M/DSCF2108-M.jpg" alt="" /><br>

    <img src="http://photos.remektek.com.au/Other/Fuji-X100-examples/i-wGwL4Jm/0/M/DSCF2162-M.jpg" alt="" /></p>

    <p><img src="http://photos.remektek.com.au/Other/Fuji-X100-examples/i-224b6jx/0/M/DSCF2193-M.jpg" alt="" /><br>




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