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Posts posted by jonas_andersson6

  1. <p>Hi David,<br>

    I´m one, in a line, dissatisfied overseas subsriber. In august I paid for a two year subsrcibtion and I haven´t recived one single issue. I been in contact with you several times and you promised that have the problems solved, but nothing happens! The only regret I have is that I didn´t read this thread before i paid the magazine.<br>

    I really can´t understand why you do it so hard for your self David. You have great magazine and this should be a good buissiness but you screw it up since you can´t get the administration to work correctly. This is soo sad.<br>

    I really hope that you get your self together and solves the issues that you have so that we who paid for the subscribtions can get the magazins.<br>


    <h2><br /></h2>

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