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tahoe tana

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Posts posted by tahoe tana

  1. I am new to photography. I bought a Canon Rebel about nine months ago, and

    have been working my way through reading a book on how to use Elements 5. On a

    lark, I decided to look through the manual for my camera. I now realize that

    my camera has built in filters and such. I have not played with any of this,

    including the white balancing. What confuses me is I don't know what is the

    most advantageous to use - playing with the filters, etc. in Elements or using

    the features in the camera. Maybe they aren't even one in the same, and don't

    do the same things. It seems like if I don't use the camera options, I have

    more options with the software.


    I guess what I need are a couple of good classes, but nothing is offered in my

    home town. Are there any recommended online classes or DVDs that would be

    specifically designed for my skill level. I took one online class designed for

    learning Elements, but it wasn't really in depth enough.





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