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Image Comments posted by jeff_loomis

  1. I just love the red shirt/red box, blue shorts/blue box. The boy's red hair only adds to the perfection. I personally disagree that the cropping is too tight, I really like it this way. On close inspection I notice some noise in the background, probably from scanning, but this is the kind of photo that is great even as a snapshot stuck to the fridge door. For this image, minor technical condsiderations are secondary to the great moment and the ability of the photographer to capture it for us to enjoy.


    I felt a mixture of humor and concern when I saw this photo, which I think is part of its appeal. As someone else already pointed out, I don't think it's wise to read that much social context into a single photo of two bored kids. Like many others, I enjoyed a rich and rewarding childhood, but certainly spent more than a few bored moments waiting for Mom. Not every scene is a tragic social commentary.


    This is fairly interesting, but I don't like the street light at the lower right. It keeps drawing my eye. Maybe a tighter crop on the boat excluding the street light and the sliver of building on the right would be an improvement.


    I think this is just beautiful and perfectly executed. Those who ask "what is the subject?" can be discouraging, but obviously you are not making the image to please them.


    I love this image, and many of its sisters in the same folder are also impressive. The only suggestion I have is that it might work even better as a vertical crop, which would focus on the waterdrop more and eliminate the bit of outer plate ring on the lower left.



    Nice idea, but I think these type of perspective shots are more effective with less of a "straight down the middle" approach. I also find the slight angle a bit troublesome.



    Take a look at this or this for some cool perspective ideas by a photo.netter with skills far beyond my own.


    It's easy to miss a slight angle in the viewfinder, especially if you wear glasses or don't have a grid screen. Really minor errors like this one can be fixed with a slightly rotated crop or by pushing a slide slightly within its mount.


    It seems like I've seen tons of these "looking down a spiral staircase" shots, but I never realized that they almost never contain any people. I like the row of people climbing the stairs. I also like the harsh lighting (flash?) which often would be considered a flaw but in this image adds to the receding effect of the stairs. I find the shadow at the very bottom to be a bit distracting.


    Great photo! I love the composition. The placement of the large cracks and cones is perfect. I like it with the top cropped down, because there is a nice tension with my eye moving back and forth between the junction of the cracks and the cones near the edge. However, it is quite a different photo that way, and I like it just as much the way it is. It's purely a matter of preference.
  2. I really like this. It is a nice change from the typical ballon shot. I like the placement of the circles formed by the bottom of the ballon and the crossing arc formed by the top. One improvement might have been to shift the angle just slightly up so the outer circle wasn't cut just at the edge of the frame.
  3. You obviously went to a lot of trouble to get everything precisely aligned in the frame. I like the compostion, but it appears a little washed out in the lower right and top corners.


    This image is really nice in that it succeeds as a graphic composition and gives us a good documentary view of its subject. The only criticism I have is to echo one of the previous commentors that the top left is a bit dark, especially in contrast with the lower right.

    Heron close-up

    I normally am not a big fan of bird photos because they usually consist of a bird in the center of the frame with a busy background or blue sky. This photo is a nice change, with a well thought-out composition. My only minor quibble is that the tiny sliver of something on the right edge should probably be cropped.
  4. I like the lighting of the jellyish and the color. The arrangement of jellyfish in the frame is not optimal due to the large empty area on the top right drawing attention from the subject matter. The thin black strip on the top should probably be cropped off.
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