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Image Comments posted by georgemaroulis

  1. Alex, Thank you your continued kindness vis-a-vis your remarks. Just returned from Cape Cod and I'm looking through the several hundred captures to find a couple of images that I'd like to share with our community. I Love your growing porfolio!
  2. Nick, Bravo marvelous work. I love the outstading composition. B&W works so well with your subject. I've driven by this shipwreck so many times but my untrained eyes could not see the magic you have managed to capture.
  3. Perfect composition and exposure Alex. How do you do it? Efharisto for your comments on Agia Sofia Alex--I was beimg playfull and reminiscing of how Agia Sofia might have looked in Constantinople.
  4. ALex--You did it again, very inspirational! There's another version of your original capture but I must admit that your version captures the very essence of the motherland--it makes me nostalgic.


    Besides your excellent capture I can't articulate exactly why I like this photo as much as I do? It simutanously feels both nostalgic and current. Wondeful portrait.


    Excellent capture. The shruberry around your feline subject makes the photo. I noticed that someone posted a cropped version of this picture but I prefer your unadulterated original--it's far more interesting I believe.



    Great composition, lighting and perpective. Your capture is perhaps the best picture I have seen of this monastary--you have created the benchmark.


    Rock, Sun & Sea


    While walikg alongside a cliff in Mani I noticed this piece of marble

    sticking out from the earth. I only had with me my Lumix with built-

    in flash to capture what you see. What could I have done under these

    circumstances to improve this photo?

  5. Wow Alex. I love coming to your page to see how it is really done! One of the best photographic still lifes on Photo.net. There's just something magical about your capture that I wasn't able to pull-off with my rendition of the theme. I beleive it is the juxtaposition of the yellow-ish foreground against the midight-blue background, I pallete I often attempt to execute but seldom pull-off. If I wore a hat, I would tip it to you.


    George--Excellent photo and I absolutely love your use of shadows vis-a-vis light. The capture seems to look deep within your model bringing to the forefront an element of her soul; a truly human relationship between model and photographer that novices like me crave to capture. Bravo!
  6. Vassilis and Alex, thank you for your kind words and well-wishes for my nameday. Although I would like to take the credit for this capture's outcome I must give credit where credit is rightfully due. In this instance the credit belongs wholly to the Leica Minilux's AF feature and glass. This night photo was taken sans tripod which is even more amazing if you think about it (I was expecting a reddish blur). One of these days I'll get around to scanning the negative and posting it online. What you see posted was derived by scanning an old print. Moreover, last night I returned home from Paris and managed to go through 6 rolls of film with my M6. I hope to have a couple of decent captures to share with the community otherwise I'll retire my M6 and buy a 5D--I get better results with a camera that has, in the least, aperture priority (right about now I should be reminding you of the old adage about poor craftsmen blaming their equipment for poor results). Na eisastai kala.

    Autumn Colors #07

    Both the composition and the juxtaposition of colors (between the color of the water on the top left and the color of the water on the bottom of the picture) are fabulous and bound together nicely by clump of leaves.


    Don't mind at all and thank you for taking the time to fix the pic. The postings are scans from a matte print (I don't have neg scanner). Need much advise from accomplished pros like yourself. BTW I absolutely love your portfolio.
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