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Image Comments posted by deborahpeace

    What's Up?

    What a wonderfully humerous image! Great facial expression you've captured here, and I like the close up crop. I think the leaves on the right add just the right amount of "location" to the image. Very nicely seen.

    flag footed friend

    Interesting little guy, and an impressive shot. I like the bit of reflection on the leaf, and you got a good depth of field. Only one tiny thing I'd change- there's a white spot on the leaf above his left antenna that distracts my view. As mentioned above you could try some different crops- maybe a bit from the top and from the right? But that will be a matter of your own opinion. Overall nice image. Regards, Deborah.

    Up for air

    I like the aesthetics of this image, the contrasts between the patterns of the water and the bright orange shape of the fish are great. I think ideally there would be just a bit more space on the bottom (not much), the fish seems just a bit too close to the edge. Otherwise an interesting, artistic shot.


    Personally I like the angle of this image. I think the contrast between the white mosque and the dirty old wall is really interesting, and the silouette of the man provides a nicely seen addition. Great image.
  1. Beautiful image. Love the subtle shades of color, the textures of the moss on the rock, and the reflection of the clouds. Perfect timing on the sun, couldn't have been better. Really serene. Regards, Deborah.


    The composition is nice and the reflection has some lovely light. What detracts from the scene is the out of focus foreground, especially the large tree on the right. I think this would be a stronger image if there was a greater depth-of-field, maybe you could go back and try out other versions.
  2. I really enjoy this image, looks beautiful as a black and white with a dramatic sky and a serene composition. I'm not sure if it's my computer, but the foreground seems just a bit grey (not much shadow / white highlights), especially when contrasted with the black frame around your image. Anyway, nice shot with good lighting. Regards!

    Crocus Vernus

    I like the low angle, you must have been right down in the snow. The depth of field works really well for this photo, I like how the fore and background snow are out of focus and the crocus and snow right around it are so crisp. One tiny thing that bothers me is the small part of plant that is behind the flower, on the right pettal. Overall nice composition.

    * * *

    Very serene, peacefull mood you have captured here. I like the textured feel of the snow and the fading light in the sky, lovely composition. I might have left just a tad more on the bottom, so that the rock on the left was also surrounded completely by the snowy ground. Regards, Deborah

    The suspended step

    I like the depth of this image that's created by the various poles and the combination of shutter speed/ f-stop. Nice choice of composition and the bird does make the picture that much more interesting. Regards, Deborah
  3. Excellent capture, angle, depth of field and composition! This is a very memorable macro, particularly because of the colors- the green spider agains the red flower and dark background really stands out. I think you could probably trim a bit off the bottom of the photo, but that's just personal preference. Nice work. Regards, Deborah.


    What a powerful image! The lighting in this one is just great- the blue really glows and the sky adds such a unique mood with those varying cloud layers. Lovely place, great shot. Regards, Deborah.


    The pink glow is great in this one, particularly because it also shows up in the left corner on the snow. Very soft, pastel like composition. Regards, Deborah.
  4. Very soft, intimate composition. I love the subtle colors of the mosses and ferns. Really beautiful. I like it a little better without so much sky/tree branches at the top where you lose the detail, but that's a personal preference. Nice shot. Regards, Deborah

    field workers...

    Beautiful scene, perfectly post-processed. I love how you can't see the faces, adds to the theme of these unknown workers who have to struggle for a living. Wonderful photo, thanks for sharing! Regards, Deborah



    Comments and critiques appreciated. I'm curious to know what you

    think of this image, I haven't decided whether I like it quite yet... thanks

    for your opinion!

    Droplets I


    Comments and critiques very welcome. Please view larger for the best

    detail. Thanks for taking the time to tell me your ideas, and feel free to


    Blue Whale

    Oh, I'm sorry! I meant the left side boulder section... not the right! The dark area there seems dodged, mostly I think so because there's a darker line on the top and bottom of that rock, and inbetween it's lighter, which just doesn't quite look real to me. It might be better to leave that area a bit darker and just bring out a few of the brighter details to obtain a more natural look. Really sorry for the confusion, hope this helps! Regards, Deborah

    Rain in the beech

    Very lovely image, the roots along the stream on the left are a great touch. I think compositionally this is a wonderful image, I would leave it exactly as-is. You've created depth by showing various curves of the stream, and of course the milky water is a great contrast to the darker surroundings. Excellently composed, rich colors without being fake, really a pleasure to look at. Regards, Deborah

    Mill Gill Force

    This is a lovely image of a gorgeous location! I especially like the intense colors of the water in the foreground, and the varying shades of whites and browns. Great depth of field too, and compositionally this photograph is excellent. I might trim some off the top of the image, I'm not sure that there needs to be as much sky as there is even though the yellow on the right is lovely (just an opinion) Regards, Deborah.

    Sleeping Porcupine

    This is a really endearing, sweet photograph of a porcupine, he almost looks like a child. You add an intimate element by getting this close and filling the frame, at the same time this also gives the viewer a chance to see the details and textures that you've captured so nicely here. My favorite part of this image- the hands. They are perfect, crossed over like that. Very nice composition. Regards, Deborah
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