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Posts posted by scotty-jay

  1. I've experienced similar issues (and I'm using Windows XP, BTW), but my experiences come when I swap USB ports on the external harddrive, so that it changes the mapped drive (D: vs G:). LR seems to go through a search upon startup to locate the files where they were last mapped to, so if you haven't started up the harddrive before you start LR, you'll likely need to re-map manually, but I think you can get away with closing LR, making sure you're HDD is active and mapped to its usual drive, and then start LR. Hopefully this helps.
  2. Well, the great thing about Photo.Net is that this was pretty much the first place I came to to find out if there was such a thing as a P&S camera with RAW support... and I've been crushed more or less as I expected -- but I didn't take a lot of time. I get emails from Nikon touting their latest and greatest P&S camera, but quickly decide it's not worth it since it can't do RAW. I have a D200 and about a half dozen lenses, but it's just too cumbersome when you're just going out for the evening, or a weekend backpacking trip, or whatever, and you don't want to lug a big, expensive DSLR with the corresponding lenses. I thought SOME manufacturer out there would have a RAW P&S that would be available for the myriad of camera fanatics out there (myself included) that just can't seem to nail down WB on the first attempt. I thought that would be someone's competitive advantage. Guess not... so I won't be buying one...
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