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Image Comments posted by amandalockphotography


    I'm normally not a fan of heavy vignetting, but in this case it really works, as does the bluish tint to the whole picture. I like this shot a lot, very very simple, but clean and classic. I imagine if I were the bride I would be pleased with it too. It is not gimmicky as so many ring shots are nowadays. Beautiful simple shot.


    I think this is a gorgeous picture; it looks very old fashioned, almost like a still from a movie. I love the softness of the colors , the composition. The details like the watch on her hand, and the reflection off of the car make it more interesting.


    This is a lovely moment. I found the bluish cast a bit distracting; I would really love to see what a black and white of this image would be like. I also think that maybe cropping her hand in the lower left corner would be a good idea, I found it a little distracting. But I love the fact that you can't see her face, and the softness of the veil. Beautiful portrait.



    Do you like the slightly 'washed' out appearance? Would it be better

    at full strength color? Any critiques/criticisms appreciated.


    Like Max said, really love the different textures in this shot. There also things that definitely make it intriguing; the smoke curling up, the way his hood strings are different lengths, the curl of his lip. Awesome shot!

    Walk Alone

    This is a beautiful shot. If the little girl wasn't in it, it would be a stunning shot of architecture, but with the little girl in it, it has a whole different dimension. Love it. The strong contrast of the bridge and the little girl wandering off into the distance. Beautiful b&w

    Beautiful Bride

    Love the shot, the blueness of it is beautiful. It looks a little grainy but that could just be photo.net. Beautiful shot, you can see the anticipation, happiness on her face.
  1. I think that tis is a really lovely shot, unique in its composition. I like the way you can still see the bride's face, so its not just the silhoutte. I love how the sun is coming through the tulips and the big window behind. Very "artish". Nicely done.


    Wow your gutsy to take your camera out in the snow! :) I love this picture, very sweet and magical with the falling snow. Nicely composed. :)

    Camera Hog

    This is a very cute picture, I think I would have preferred it if it were a little closer to the ring bearer and the whole photo shifted to the left a bit more. But it still is a very cute, sweet candid moment. :)


    This is really a beautiful picture. I would probably try to remove the bright blue thing in the right bottom corner- it distracts from the simple beauty of the shot. I really like the way you arranged them, it looks like a wonderful album layout. Overall, truly beautiful shots- I love the way the larger one is in color but the rest are sepia.


    This is a really lovely shot. So many photographers shoot it from the back, straight on, but I think that this one really stands out because of the angle at which you shot it. It brings a whole different element to it. It's really a very good shot, simple, but emotional.


    This is a wonderful shot; the sweetness of the child's face, the light green blanket wrapped around her. I love it.


    This is a very sweet shot, and has a magical quality to it. I love it because the candles highlight the face of each little girl. Beautiful show, well executed. Congratulations!

    Sunset Beach 1

    This is beautiful. Very clean and precise, but with emotion. I love the reflectin of them in the wet sand. I think I would have liked to see a little more space in front of them as opposed to behind them, but that's really just my opinion. :) A gorgeous picture.
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