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lake carole

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Posts posted by lake carole

  1. <p>I use a Pentax DSLR because the very name Pentax takes me way back to my younger years. I used a Pentax spotmatic for about twenty years shooting mainly slides of my kids, my husband, all our pets and all of our friends and their kids. After not doing any photography for about 10 years I started at the bottom of the digital ladder with a small point and shoot up to a not bad Kodak. Then I got the itch for a DSLR. What to do? I read and read and then saw you could buy a Pentax DSLR and even (with a adapter) use old Pentax lens. Since I had 3 lens and my old spotmatic it was just the best idea. I have a Pentax K200D and could not be happier. I am as fond of my new camera as I was my old one even if the new one stumps me once in a while with all its buttons and whistles.</p>
  2. For Michael, I agree with most you said but I was looking at pictures and and saying to myself "thats great" or "I really like that" and then looked at rating and didn't know if I had no artistic sense. I was trying to learn from people I felt knew more then I did, But you are right, Its if I like it or not. Never mind what the ratings are.

    From now on I will leave comment on ones I like and I won't rate anything. Thats gives me peace. thank you and Happy New Year.


  3. I'm new to photo.net and I have seen some wonderful pictures. some are 7/7 and

    6/6 and you can tell that immed. But there are some really good pictures that

    are getting ratings of 3/3, 4/4 which are bad ratings. these come from unknown

    raters and are always the first ratings. who are these people? I can't figure

    it out. A picture which is merely good should get 5/5. It is not easy to get

    a "good" picture. I'm confused.

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