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Posts posted by mihio

  1. <p>Here we go, almost a year later and another reply turns up.</p>

    <p>I picked up an Aires 35-III on Craigslist here in Phoenix, AZ for $20. I can't even claim that I'm a rangefinder enthusiast but just looking at the pics of the camera intrigued me greatly. $20? Um yeah, I'll take it. </p>

    <p>Unfortunately, the shutter was sticking but cosmetically the camera was in really good condition. The shutter actually worked but not consistently. I posted another thread about this camera in regards to getting it repaired and it was recommended that I get in contact with Clarence Gass. So, the camera is currently en route to Mr. Gass for an inspection and estimation. I'm looking forward to it's return.</p>

    <p>So many rangefinders are popping up on craigslist around here not all are 'collectors items' but many are definitely worth looking into for the price. Just this week:</p>

    <p>Olympus Trip 35 - $35<br>

    Canonet QL14 - $40<br>

    Konica Auto S2 $150 (i guess that one's a tad pricey)</p>

    <p>But anyway.....yeah.</p>

  2. <p>I couldn't find a similar topic in the forum. Anything remotely similar was very old. If I missed something, please redirect me to a topic where I might find some info (via link).<br>

    <br /> Anyhow, I just bought an AIRES 35-111a on craigslist for cheap. I'm wanting to shoot more rangefinder cameras. The guy who sold it to me said it was in good working condition (figures, eh?) but it's not. The shutter seems to stick in the 'X' mode which is the mode used when not shooting flash photography.<br>

    <br /> Does anyone know of a person, business or store that specializes in rangefinder camera repair? I'd like to get this AIRES working again. It really doesn't seem like anything more is wrong with it. Cosmetically, it's in good condition. <br /> Let me know if you have any suggestions. Thanks.</p>

  3. <p>I could have the opportunity to sell 2 to 3 photos to a major publication on the scale of People Magazine. I haven't done anything like this before and don't want to get screwed. What would be some general guidelines as far as rates per image and usage/rights? Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated. If there is another thread where this has been addressed (fairly current), that would be great as well.<br>

    These are not paparazzi pic but portraits.</p>


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