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Image Comments posted by 2239727



    I find some of the comments above strange - It's a photograph, either you like it or you don't - I don't - I find it grey and dull to look at, and not very well photographed. I can see the fine art angle and why the author found the time to photograph it. Taken on FP4 film, if it was mine I would be looking at my developing technique as it looks as if it has suffered due to uneven development. If it's suppose it look this way then that part was a success. Yes I can see it on wall in a fine art studio, I would prefer to look at a high quality landscape or art nude any time

    family portrait

    Hi Robert just one thing I would crop the imagefrom both sides up to the edge of each tall cabnet. This would cut out both heaters and help the viewer to see the main subjects.

    Beyond thought

    Well Paul hear goes - I thought I would first take a look at your portfoilo to see your other portraits. Top flight - very good - quality work - so what went wrong here? The shot is well exposed, well framed, and well photographed. it's the pose - the hat - the hand, it's a mess. It's a jumble of lots of bits that don't go together. I bet the model loves this one. You are a great portrait photographer you have just had a bad hat day.

    Higher Calling

    Hi Marc good to see you are still around.... I see what you mean with the number views good photograph's get on Photo.net well down on years ago. This shot a Landscape wonderland great side light wonderful colour.


    Hi Karel some people talk a good photograph other take a good photograph you have taken a good photograph - this shot it full of life the real deal 6/6


    Hi Miguel this is a well framed and a nice peice of photographic work - great pose - what lets it down a lttle for my taste is the exposure on the white shirt a little hot in places maybe these can be recovered in Photoshop.....

    rainbow mist

    This is Critique Forum - when any PN member puts forward a photograph for critique that's what he or she gets, or is there a critique rule book I have not read. Are we PN members only suppose to give good comment to all photographs if that's the case I want no part of the good buddy scene. What Richard got from me was honesty pure and simple, as for sending a e-mail the whole point of leaving comments is that others like you can play there part to agree or disagree with my view. I have put many shots into competitions over the years photographes I thought great I was so wrapped in the light and mood only to find out three judges had a different view. We all take poor photographs from time to time myself included, sometimes we need others the point this out.

    rainbow mist

    Hi Richard looking at your work I can see you have a good photographic eye and know what it takes to make up a great shot look at your favourite folder yes you know dam well. So why this shot? not the best of light no great colour nothing to jump out and say look at me. A bit flat - Rainbow Mist you call it - rainbow suggests coulour this lacks colour sorry Richard for me it's a bit flat. You have a lot better than this I've looked



    I'm not sure what to make of you VS. Looking at your portfoilo you have some great shots - some a bit stange - some taken from stange angles. And few poor images like this one. You know what it takes to make a great image I'm sure of that so I ask myself is this judge bait.

    The image has nothing going for it no great light - not great colour nothing to hold the viewer. You can do better than this.


    Yes it is voluntary....but if you ask for other PN members to rate your photography you have a chance to get into top rated photo's but then give nothing back to any other member.... well what type of PN member are you. I don't rate members that don't rate others and I'm one of many. Rating should be give and take.



    Hi please read your ratings received..... ratings given none......not a single rating given to any other Pn member yet you still ask us to rate your work. I think it's about time you addressed the balance.......

    1139 ratings, on 157 distinct photos, averaging 4.36 for Aesthetics, and 4.38 for Originality. The ratings were from 711


    Samrat - I've looked at your portfoilo it's full of quality sharp images full of colour. This image the foreground lacks detail too dark I can see why you took the shot the sky is the main attraction, It's not a winner if you are using photoshop CS2 or higher try shadow/highlights. I allways rate up-front I wish you well.


    Vijay the portrait of a good looking girl - well framed exposure good, lighting ok - but the big fault with this shot the back flash from the piano lid. It's like a silver javelin pointing to her face this devalue's a good shot in my eye's
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