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Image Comments posted by k_mellet

  1. If your reference is to my ability to backhand cretins, this was hardly a challenge. (By the way, although I agree with many of your comments regarding allegedly "artistic" depictions of women, I would think that one who professes such respect for women would be more careful in spelling their names.) In my meanderings around this site, I have seen other images which suggest a belief in the triviality of women. However, on a positive note, none have been accompanied by the incivility and boorishness demonstrated by one individual here. Paranoia only exacerbates the already pungent stench of these other maladies.
  2. Will it surprise anyone to learn that I received an email from the individual in question? I was unaware that my address would be forwarded to his ilk, but that seems to be the policy here. So be it. He states that he "will be informing abuse at photo.net about" my comment above (which I have modified to reflect his claim that he does not pay models). I see. Only he can critique the conduct of this site's participants. He concludes by saying "You are the one that needs help!" My advice is that he refrain from attempting to intimidate me. He will not be placing an iron or strap anywhere my buttocks, laser anywhere near my crotch, or knife in the vicinity of my nipples. My request is that he not contact me in any way, ever. He has sounded the single discordant note in my introduction to what otherwise seems to be an interesting site.
  3. I am new here. Before submitting photos, I decided to look around a bit, and as I perused the Top Photos listings, the thumbnail of this photo struck me. On closer inspection, I am uncertain as to whether it is as notable as I first thought. However, the exchange on this photo interested me. Is it customary for members to count the number of comments one makes and compare them to the number of times they ask to have a photo critiqued? Do critics typically continue to harass photographers even after they have been asked to refrain? As one who has been called a feminist, I do happen to find the "work" of the individual in question repulsive and demeaning to women. Photographing women with dangerous objects in and around their sex organs then calling it "fun" reflects thinly-veiled misogyny. In my view, one who holds such beliefs should seek help. However, I now know what to expect from him and will not visit his site. Are there other photo.net members who will pursue me if I fail to maintain a comment ratio that they deem acceptable? If so, my photo.net experience will conclude before it starts.
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