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Image Comments posted by david_haltom

    Venice (also)

    Nicely done. Venice is too easy to *SAY*, but not very easy to imply. I like the way the traditional views of Venice have been all but cut out of the shot: the water is there (and beautifully rhythmic), and a cluster of ancient rotting pylons, but only a very subtle reflection on the water at the top of the shot implies the famous Venetian architecture you know is there...
  1. I like the unusually greenish color of the water. It's not the predictably standard, white-and-blue shot of Santorini that everyone's seen a thousand times. I find the composition a bit jarring though (...maybe that's a good thing); perhaps if we saw a little more (or even a little less) of the white structures in the foreground, or if the shot were cropped to a square format... The boat gives the otherwise very still shot some action...
  2. This is one of your strongest B/W images. Good range of values, from bright white to black. The shadows reveal a lot of the texture on the walls, and the arched doorway opening in deep shadow is mysterious and inviting. I like the way the arches repeat themselves, at the top of the photo, on the left in part, and then above the doorway... it gives the shot a nice feeling of depth and volume.
  3. This photo is fantastic. Great colors, good composition, and very good use of an unusual aspect ratio. (I'm always a fan of panoramic-style layouts when done well.) You have taken a bunch of individual shapes and produced a layered, textured shot that's far more interesting than its component parts.
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