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Posts posted by NetR

  1. After all your response I really need to ask my original question. Correctly me if I am wrong, that if we don't care about price then the third party batteries are at best only as good as the Nikon ones. None is better is it correct? Now if that's true I must ask why so? Nikon didn't make the batteries some other companies did. Why couldn't these companies make better batteries than those they make for Nikon?


    You are missing one important criterion: functionality. The simple fact is that some third party batteries just don't work in some Nikon cameras. Presumably because there is circuitry in a Nikon brand battery that the camera wants to find.

  2. Thom Hogan in his review ( Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 S Lens Review | Thom Hogan ) concluded "This is a tough call. The 70-200mm f/2.8E FL is an excellent lens, the best I've seen in that focal range from anyone until the 70-200mm f/2.8 S came along. But I'd say the two Nikkors are within a hairbreadth's distance of one another in terms of optical performance, and what I see in differences could very well just be sample variation." Read the review for more information.
  3. The Nikon focus stacking function is not well documented. The increment you need will depends on the subject distance, focal length and aperture. In general, the longer the subject distance and the more closed down the aperture, the fewer the number of shots. But you just have to experiment. The D850 professional Technical Guide ( http://download.nikonimglib.com/archive3/olWKv00OIiiw03YkdPO64B8kqA89/D850_TG_Tips_(En)03.pdf) has some tables for macro that might help.
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  4. pcassity


    The D850 sensor size is 35.9mm x 23.9mm, which is an area of 858 square mm. It has 45.7 megapixels, so the pixel density is 5.32 megapixels per square cm.

    The D500 sensor size is 23.5mm x 15.7mm, which is an area of 369 square mm. It has 20.9 megapixels, so the pixel density is 5.68 megapixels per square cm.


    When the D850 is in crop mode, you are using only the middle 23.5 x 15.7 part of the sensor and everything outside that is ignored. So the D850 in crop mode has about (369/858) x 45.7 megapixels, which is 19.6 megapixels, which is only slightly less than the D500. You just can't see the difference between 19.6 and 20.7 meegapixels with the naked eye - it is only a 5% difference.


    Your assumption "the pixels of a small frame camera have to be smaller then a FF pixels in order to fit al of the pixels on the small frame sensor" is wrong. For a small frame sensor you simply use fewer pixels. What may have confused you is that each different Nikon Dslr has different size pixels. The pixel size on a D3 was much, much larger than the pixel size on a D850, for example.

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  5. Paper size A0 is one square meter in area, with the sides in the ratio of 1 to (square root of 2) - i.e. 1:1.414...This gives 841mm x 1189mm

    A1 is half this area in the same proportions. The ratio (half the sq root of 2) to 1 is equal to the ratio of 1 to (sq root of 2). And so on. You just halve the long edge each time.

    James above said a ratio of 1:2, which is near enough (actually 1.414 vertically and 3 x 1 across gives a size ratio before printing of (3/1.414) or 1:2.12.

    So yes, you will lose quite a bit of your image top and/or bottom to cropping.

    But for a good sharp starting image you should be able to upscale by at least a factor of 2, as noted above, before you print.

    So get a good image with sides in the ratio of 1:2.12, then divide into three equal slices for printing.

  6. I think the simple answer is that Canon did not want to pay Sony for the use of its IBIS patents, but Nikon was willing to pay. Compared with Canon, Nikon has a rather larger number of lenses, dating back to 1959, that can mount on the Z via the adapter and benefit from from IBIS. Nikon shooters can therefore get nearly full vibration reduction functionality from their old manual lenses, which is very useful for owners of manual telephoto lenses, and will encourage them to buy the new Z cameras.
  7. Its not just sunrise or sunset. You also need to consider the weather ( Wanaka Weather - NZ Weather Forecast from MetService.com ) and your background. You can get a wide range of different shots with different backgrounds depending on where you stand. There is also angle of view - do you plan to get up close with a wide angle or stand back and use a telephoto? Sometimes when the lake level is down the tree is completely out of the water (it is a crack willow and it reputed to have grown from a fencepost) and sometimes when the lake level is higher it is surrounded by water. In general people start arriving fairly early but you could include the people in the shot to show scale or human interest. There is a huge range of shots in Google images.
  8. >Has that actually happened for any of the Nikon lenses that Sigma has brought out equivalents for?


    Sort of. I don't recall Nikon permanently dropping a lens price to meet competition. But the 200-500mm zoom was lintroduced at a very competitive price to start with, so it must have been designed to be built cheaply. I think Nikon's lens prices (except Nikon 1 lenses perhaps) are a fair reflection of the cost of building them the way they were designed.

  9. Please note that all Nikon Series E lenses are AIS.


    The fork was initially required to signal to the Photomic head what the maximum aperture was - the first Pentax 6x7 had a similar arrangement. The fork was no longer needed for bodies made after around 197,7 but continued to be added to lenses to ensure compatibility between the old camera bodies and the newer AI, then AIS, lenses. I understand it is possibly to add a fork to an AF lens.


    This article by THom Hogan shows which lenses are compatible with which camera bodies. Nikkor Lens Information by Thom Hogan

  10. Dieter wrote

    "Puzzling that Nikon choose to go with the 20.9MP sensor from the D500 instead of keeping the 24MP sensor of the D7200."


    The newer 20MP sensor has much better low light sensitivity than the old 24MP sensor. When you line up pixel length of each sensor, there is only a 7% reduction in linear sensitivity, which is negligible.

  11. Should definitely show something unique about the place. You don't go to Uzbekistan to take pictures of a McDonald's (unless you work for McDonald's). And it doesn't need to be a selfie. Shouldn't be a selfie. The fact you took a photo means we know you were there.
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