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Image Comments posted by gloria_hopkins

    Face to face


    Miguel don't you worry about those low ratings. Some of the best bird photographers in the world have portraits just like this in their portfolios, and this isn't close to being one of your best.


    That said, what is most impressive about this image is the expression that you have captured in the face and eyes of the animal. It's touching, and meaningful and tells me as an artist what moves you as an artist.


    If that's "old hat" to some then I feel sorry for them for they know not what to look for in such an image.


    It's like someone overlooking that which makes the masterpiece "Mona Lisa" so famous. They see a simple portrait and "don't get it." The art is lost on them. That's their worry, not yours.


    Your work is beautiful and your bird photographs are anything but cliche.

    Pelicano I


    Marina: I liked this image very much. It was nicely framed, expertly executed and the action puts it over the top. Congrats on POW.


    Carl: I haven't been photographing that long, will probably give up photography before going digital, I don't make zoo shots, don't digitally alter (I'm bad at it anyway) my images and I've just made the switch from 35mm ......... to 4x5.


    Fear not, old school photography is alive and well :-)

    Hawaii Coast


    Hey everyone - this was made during a wonderful trip to the Big

    Island in 2002. It's been sitting in my folder for awhile but I

    thought I would ask for your thoughts. It was photographed via

    helicopter as the sun was going down and passing through clouds. I

    had to saturate it and adjust levels in PS to get rid of some window

    haze. Thanks for looking!

  1. Hi Otto: Thank you so much! Your post was a very pleasant surprise first thing in the morning :) I've just got myself back in the field after spending eight months on other projects (I also paint and write a little) I'll be posting some new photos very soon!
  2. Fantastic shot and wonderful composition. If that far-left gull were looking at the trio, as all the other gulls are, that would be most extraordinary. As is, it's wonderful and the foot-covering-gull is no problem. As far as anthropomorphizing is concerned, I think some folks just like to have fun with titles. I don't get the title on this one, (never heard it before) but it seems like a fun shot, worthy of a fun title. Not everything in this world must be dead serious.

    The Haunted Wood


    Re: "... Much ado about nothing..."


    You're partly right. The photographer has created much ado with his photo of "nothing." In my mind, that's the whole point of this particular POW - and the mark of a wonderful photographer.


    This is a very, very nice idea. I just wish the person were doing something - away from the center/bottom. Ideas include a nude female peeking from behind a tree, a deer or animal, a hiker walking into the frame from the left. It could be loaded with impact but as is, it's simply "nice."
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