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Image Comments posted by kanishka1

    my boy


    This is excellent... I like that the shadowed area of the face is so intense.. without it, this picture wouldn't have the same effect it does. Simply great work!



    myth world


    Okay, I must ask... is this heavily digitally altered or is this really how it was shot?

    Regardless though, it looks amazing! I love the feel the colors and the textures exude... great work!






    This is absolutely amazing... looking at the rest of your astro-shots this seems like nothing, but to me (who's been trying to take a moon shot even remotely this good, for some time now)... this picture is just brilliant! The detail is amazing!

    Thanks for sharing... you've inspired me to keep trying. Quick question though.. mind letting on what type lens allows for this much zoom?, and how you achieve this much detail?



    Well... for a shot taken through a car window this is pretty amazing. I might consider losing the silhouetted shrubbery and trees, they don't add much in terms of feeling to the picture as a whole. That being said, you can't go wrong when shooting natural beauty like this... keep posting!

    -Kanishka S.


    P.S. Take a look at some shots of similar concept in my portfolio (perhaps they'll be a guide to how not to shoot... :)



    Very nice indeed. I flat out love it! Although I feel it could use a little position adjusment, the picture frames better if the water peice was centered. Amazing shot, and I don't know how you got that angle in Vegas.

    -Kanishka S.

  1. This is one of the more interesting shots of a playscape I've seen. The shapes and the colors all form a unique balance with one another. I would've given it a little more contast, maybe that's just my taste for the edgier. Great composition overall!

    -Kanishka S.



    Funny, I just posted a picture of a pigeon I took for critique and saw yours. Guess pigeons are among the few types of birds that'll stay still for us to shoot easily.

    Your portfolio shows promise Damir... keep posting!


    Bushman, Namibia


    This is a beautiful picture... the composition is great, the contrast of the black silhouette against the road which disappears to white is amazing. Keep it up, and keep posting.




    The B&W on white backdrop is just amazing. Excellent composition. I love shots like these. One thing though, the cropping could be a bit better... cutting at the third finger gives the hand an odd appearance, almost distracting.

    Just beautiful otherwise! Keep it up.


    Waterfront Halo II


    Thanks Steve... i like the blue tones too... however, the detail seems to be problematic in all the shots we did that night... all my shots lack detail!... I'm not sure what the problem is...

    btw... nice group shot, my face still looks messed up!


    Waterfront Halo


    A little on the dark side perhaps?... and I still can't figure out

    how to fix the angled buildings (happening as a result of wide-angle


    Feedback is much appreciated... Thank you

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