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Posts posted by andrea_augello

  1. I am in dire need of help identifying a movie camera that I just picked up today. There are NO exterior or

    interior markings. No names, no models, nothing. It is about the strangest thing I've seen to date.

    First, it's shaped like a bigger, square-er version of the Flimo, with that bigger bottom.

    Second, It's got two side-by-side Bausch and Lomb 24.4mm lenses.

    Third, it's got a compartment on either side for the reels of film and appears to be joined in the middle.

    Last, it had two spools inside labeled Remington and Rand.



  2. Sort of the same problem happening here...


    In both the manual and auto modes, when I take the picture using the shutter release button, the mirror sticks and will not return until after I take my finger off the button (as if I were shooting in "B" mode). However, when I use the self time, the mirror releases just fine and dandy. I'm all kinds of confused about what might cause this. idears?


  3. I have a set of Walz filters for the Rollie for sale on ebay. The ONLY thing that the case says is that they

    are 40mm. Everybody and their grandmother are emailing asking what Bay they are. I cannot seem to

    find a conversion anywhere.

    I have found one place that says that Bay II is about 40mm and another that says that Bay II is about



    Can anybody help at all?

  4. I just picked up a bunch of cameras at an estate sale and can't seem to find

    manuals anywhere...ok...that's not true. I can't find free manuals online for

    them. I know of sites like Orphan, KY, etc, but they don't have any of the ones

    that I need. If anybody out there can help, I would hugely appreciate it, as I

    am a lowly school teacher who's been under a wage freeze for the past 30 months

    and spent every cent of her "play money" on this box of cameras...


    The manuals I need are.....


    Agfa Optima Parat

    Canon IIf

    Canon Vt

    Ihagee Kine Exakta

    Ikonta 522/24

    Kodak Petite

    Kodak Retina Ia

    Praktica (that's all it says on it)

    Reflekta II

    Ricoh Five One Nine

    Rollei c35

    Voigtlander Vito Automatic B

    Voigtlander Vito B

    Voigtlander Vitoret 11 EL

    Voigtlander Perkeo 1

    Minolta 16 MG-S






  5. I recently acquired a Contaflex Beta, but my experience with rangefinders is SO

    limited that I'm already confused looking at it. I can't seem to find a manual

    online and there are so many dials and numbers that seem to contradict each

    other, I fear my head might blow off my neck and go whizzing around the room

    like a punctured ballon. Can anybody help?

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