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Image Comments posted by shawnmac

    time squar

    I always enjoy muted colors for some reason. To apply it to an area that's so normally bright and colorful allows the subject to be seen in a different light (literally in this case).


    that splash is a photograph? it almost looks like it was made in illustrator. excellent image. i'm wondering how big the ball is---were you zoomed in/shooting macro, or is this closer to the size of a cue ball?

    People in Mist 2

    the silhouette adds some needed contrast, and almost an element of surprise or mystery. it seems a little top heavy to the right, with her standing right on the edge, however. still a cool shot.

    Caged Helix


    i agree---the original crop with the fence in is best. it may appear busy, but the difference in color helps separate foreground and background.


    i feel any distraction from the competing brick and fence patterns is offset by the conceptual meaning behind the shot: the fence and barbed wire blocking [us] from going up those stairs. where do they lead? it's such a mysterious piece. i really love it.

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