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Image Comments posted by artero



    nothing special, just an ugly building covered by trees, but I was

    interested in the structure and twinkling lights shining through the

    maze of branches

  1. hi Dinu, it's not an obsession really, rather just a "theme". To be honest, I dont think your name exists in this part of Europe, but I made a small adaption to my real name, (which I carry around for too long time) and this one came out ;-) Thanks for commenting! love your portfolio by the way...

    Sweet Solitude


    thanks all! D Are and Miguel: I tried cropping indeed, but for my feeling it takes away the essence of what I was trying to tell here, that is the harmonic, quiet feel of solitude, mainly due to the huge empty space (concrete) and the position of the bench in the vertical middle of the picture.

    I'm happy to have found my way to photo.net and hope this gives me the long awaited boost to involve actively in the photographic world! Thanks

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