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Posts posted by rhianne_larson

  1. ah, so it's good to know that this is a common problem so that i can hopefully avoid it when ebaying in the future! i still don't know whether to get it repaired or not because i didn't get the chance to actually run film through it before it locked up on me. but it looks like it's in really good shape in terms of foam, etc., so... i don't know. and the spring that i previously thought was an issue actually, upon closer inspection, looks ok. whichever way i go i did at least get a decent lens and a few filters out of the deal! thanks again for all of the help. :)
  2. ok... so there is no 'X' setting on this camera but i tried 'B' and 1/125 with and without the lens, took the batteries in and out (hopefully in a 'proper' manner, ha!)... it's just not responding at all. does it sound like a lost cause? not sure it's worth it to get repairs, though it is otherwise in really good condition. don't want to give up just yet!
  3. thanks for the advice, everyone. so i took a look at the manual and it mentions that there can be up to a 30-second delay if you load/wind with the lens cap on (they didn't put that into the manual that came with the camera!), but unfortunately doesn't go any further than that. in answer to your question, rob, there's no separate mirror lock up but i did try the self-timer and also julio's suggestion re: the rewind and nothing seems to be working. i'm beginning to think that the camera gods have it out for me!
  4. hi everyone - i've been browsing this forum for quite a while and have found tons of

    helpful information, so i'm finally posting for the first time and hoping that this is

    the right spot for this particular question! if not please feel free to direct me

    elsewhere. :)


    so this is the situation: i just purchased a like-new sears ksx super and, in my

    excitement, when i loaded the first roll of film i left the lens cap on. the mirror is

    now locked up and no amount of fiddling seems to be helping. i also tried to

    remove the bottom plate to look around but the screws are too tight am i'm too

    amateur to attempt any extreme measures. i think i actually made the same

    mistake with another older slr and there was some combination of dial-

    turning/button-pushing/chanting that unlocked the mirror and am hoping to be that

    lucky here! if anyone has any advice i would be SO appreciative - i feel really

    dumb right now and am anxious to actually use this camera w/out breaking it

    again. thanks!

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