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jefferson terwilliger

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Image Comments posted by jefferson terwilliger

    White Fire Tools


    Glenn, you're right that HDR is getting a bad name, and for good reason. Like you state, people tend to throw their images into the "HDR Grinder" and are wowed by the results. What I fail to understand, and really I'm trying to open a dialogue here not just be critical, is how you see yours as being any different. They're great tools if used correctly and subtly, but what I see here is a kitschy gimmick. There are ways to do it to create an amazingly realistic image with a high dynamic range, where you don't even think or notice that it's been manipulated, only that it's very close to the way that you'd see it with your eyes.

    Check the following links for some examples.

    (these are not my photos, just examples)


    Example 1

    Example 2

    Example 3


    I think that your photos above could be amazing, but the technique your using is way overused.

    brown bikini


    Thanks David...I did wonder about that head crop..but couldn't find a nice way to cut it off. Too bad I didn't pay attention in camera.

    Giles, thanks..didn't notice the 'claw'..thanks.

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