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Posts posted by james_giordano

  1. The reps in the US are sales reps and not very helpful with mistakes.... and mistakes are a plenty with Graphi. One thing, with any album company is to have them send the final product to you first, this way mistakes don't get to the client. We had Graphi miss the first page of an album once and while everythign was fixed - it took a month. We no longer use them for our albums.
  2. Quote: Because my packages are so low I do tend to rely on some print orders to make more money.


    Chances are with low budget brides they are going to the drugstore for reprints. I use to say in my contract free after a year for the disc, or $300 if you want it now. Now I don't include them unless asked. If you are building your business don't count on reprint orders.


    Good suggestions from others on getting if you are sick.

  3. You know it seem bridal photography has gotten to the point where Brides are more intersted in 500 - 1000 proofs than a beautiful album and portraits suitable for hanging. Oh and not to mention a disc of images so they can get more 4 x 6 prints. And many photographers are going crazy out doing each other providing 1000's of proofs and disc's for Brides to copy away at the drug store. It's really brought the industry to a new level and the reality is you won't shoot 1000 quality images, nor will the other types of artists mentioned in the post above be asked to produce on such mass quantity. My thought is we owe it to our profession to get away from this focus on proofs and focus on quality wedding photography. /rant off
  4. We use iview for our slide shows during the wedding. We generally start the slide show when the guests are entering the reception and then turn off for the grand entrance, turning on for a little while after so that the B&G can see some of their photos prior to their honeymoon. We also always have the discussion with the couple to see if they want it or not. Most really like the idea and it is a great a great filler for their guests as well as getting our name out there.
  5. Thanks again for all the responses thus far. I will incorporate many changes tonight. One thing though, I have Google Analytics run data on my site and almost 99% of the viewer all have High Speed internet, I don't recall seeing any dial up. Google Analytics is a great feature for anyone who has a web site... it tells you quite a bit about your viwers, from location, to browser version, speed, what verison of flash you use and much more.
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