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Image Comments posted by frank_marshall1

    She devil


    Great concept, well executed.


    Looks like natural lighting....? Maybe feels a bit too normal as a result. I would love to see this shot in different studio lighting setupd


    Man really like this. Love the dark shadow areas. This oozes atmosphere and beautiful through simplicity. IMy first reaction is a feeling of aphrehension. The shot also has a lot of anticipation. What are they doing, who are they, are they happy/sad. I'm inclined to to think they are sad.
  1. great image, I just don't like the blow out in the clouds at the top. Having said that I don't think you could have achieved a mcuh better exposure than this using a DSLR. Just something you need to accept. Black and white film would probably have handled a high contrast scene like this due to it's broader latitude.
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