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Image Comments posted by hughscot

    Lake Sora-sora


    Your photos are like paintings, just beyond belief. I would be

    very interested in the camera equipment that you are using? Also,

    how much time do you spend with Photoshop to get this effect?



  1. Wow.......do all the pics receive so many comments? Hard to believe people are not just trying to make something out of nothing. It's a nice picture and you either like it or you don't. I like it. Why pick it apart. There is no underlying theme in my opinion.
  2. While I am been taking pictures for decades I have never read the critique of a photograph before and it was beyond interesting to see all the responses to a picture. A true art form. Since I have no artistic ability I will leave the picture taking to the artists. Darn good photograph.
  3. Hey folks the picture is all about what is sexy to a guy. In other words if the girl had on a swimsuit it would be just another picture, but with dress up high everyone guy is wondering.........what if. It's just a cool shot and totally staged.



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