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Posts posted by tomhansonphotography

  1. <p>Hi Photo-net people: <br>

    I have a couple of lenses that seem to need calibration with my Canon 5d mark iii, The focus seems to be a little soft for my liking. I have gone trough my manual, looked on line for answers but can not seem to find the link. Is there any chance one of you has a link for this process? I have found some for the mark ii but not the mark iii. <br>

    Thanks for the help<br>

    Tom </p>

  2. <p>I downloaded a set of RAW images from my first photo-shoot with the new 5D Miii and can not open the RAW images in Photoshop CS5. Do any of you have a fix for this problem? I have looked around on the internet and tried some of the downloads but to no avail. If you have a suggestion I would appreciate the help. <br>

    Thanks <br>

    Tom </p>

  3. <p>Thanks for the advice. I had a conversation with the art director (the contact at this point) and he is going to arrange for additional money for each item being added to the shoot. Because I am new to product shoots I have been willing to give a little to get my foot in the door. It looks like I will get a little more for the shoot and in the end still be good for more shoots to come. Thanks for your help!</p>
  4. <p>Ok People of Photo.Net:<br>

    I am doing my first product shoot next week. The people I am working for arranged to have me do a shoot of some workout shorts on a male and a female model. The shoot should last an hour or so. The models are being compensated by the client for their time and I am being compensated for my contracted amount. However; today the client wants to add seven items to the shoot as well as some additional clothing to the lineup.</p>

    <p>He is admittedly trying to get the most out of the photo-shoot without compensating for additional products being shot or additional fees for the use of images. The models will be paid per hour but shouldn’t they get something for product use as well?</p>

    <p>I don’t have a problem stacking a shoot but shouldn’t there be a fee for additional products? Sorry to be a bit ignorant on this topic. I usually shoot people and the job is done…</p>

    <p>Any ideas would be appreciated.</p>

    <p>Also any good leads on product use contracts would be appreciated.</p>

    <p>Yes I am just starting in this lie of photography but it looks like I can do a lot of work with these people I just want a win / win relationship.<br>


    Tom </p>


  5. <p>If you dont have a lot of pix out there you may be interested in making a good deal for them and you so you can get your pic published. I get $150.00-$1200.00 depending on the situation.<br>

    If I want my picture used and I need the exposure I will cut a deal. You may consider it. You need to know what it is worth to them...dont shoot yourself in the foot with an inflated price.<br>

    That being said...dont give it away.</p>

  6. <p>Thanks so much all of you! Hey Rob your work looks great I looked at your link. Way to go man! :) D.B. Cooper...I dont shoot with RAW yet however I have been thinking of going with it in the future. Bill thanks for the fast reply. It looks like you had the scoop from the start.</p>

    <p>Thanks for all your help. I will post some pix when I get it going. Photo.net is so cool for this very reason....people helping people! I love it.</p>

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