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Image Comments posted by barbera



    Thanks for your comment;) These are pictures from my youth, that I scanned. I postprocessed them to give them a new feel, wanted to emphasize how I am looking at them now, in 2008. I like making abstract postprocessings out of pictures that are very, maybe even too, familiar to me, to create some distance, I like to look at them in a different way.

    Here I used cutout, colorhalftone and a lot of things I do not remember now. It was an exercise in photoshop. Because it's just an exercise I put them in a hidden folder;))


    thanx, i can see what you mean;) somehow there was a mix of strength and vulnerability from this angle, that's what made me make this picture. (I wrote my reaction earlier but somehow I must have done something wrong since i just saw it wasn't here)
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