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Posts posted by tommyyearginjr

  1. If you have a Google account, there are a few options you have for having a site, without having to learn a lot of code:


    Picasa web albums (http://picasaweb.google.com), for uploading and displaying photo albums.


    Blogger (http://www.blogger.com), Google's free blog hosting service. You can create a custom address, assuming its available (http://blahblahblah.blogspot.com, for example). A great way to start displaying photos and creating pages (AKA permalinks).


    Google Labs currently has a beta version of something called Google Page Creator (http://pages.google.com), that allows you to create static web pages from a template.


    Most services that I have dealt with that sell domain names allow you to point them wherever you want them, or you can buy web space and code your own site.


    Hope that helps. Best of luck with your new site!

  2. Perhaps the police have a fear of being caught on camera in what would appear to be a "Rodney King"-like episode, where they are actually doing their job, subduing someone resisting arrest for an actual crime, and being caught on film <i>appearing</i> to use violent force to attack someone.
  3. Got a chance to visit your website (alaskanphotographs.com), and also came back to PN to view your portfolio. I want to congratulate you on your beautiful work, and the very professional website you developed. Best of luck with your photography!




    Tommy Yeargin

  4. I agree with everyone...a lot of the photography magazines are basically regurgitated articles on techniques and tons of ads. The only reason I would bother picking one up, is to read a camera review. And I don't even do that anymore, because there are plenty of sites that do a pretty good job reviewing cameras/lenses/accessories. Just stick with PN!
  5. I would be cautious about putting "all your eggs in one basket", and using just one service to store your photos (and files for that matter). It's best to have AT LEAST a couple of offline file storage solutions (hard drive, DVD, print copies, etc.) to store your images, and even better to have your pictures stored online in at least two offline storage providers (Google, this new Swiss Picture Bank, etc.), to give you a little ease of mind to not losing your images.
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