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Posts posted by rbj_photo

  1. Sorry - I misspoke. I tried to Increase the shutter speed (hold it open longer) to achieve that "fog" effect on the running water. Also, the attached photo is what I eventually ended up with, using the auto-landscape setting.


    Please help. I am so disappointed in these results...

  2. I recently tried to photograph a waterfall. It was partially frozen over, with

    about half of the fall still producing running water. I tried to increase my

    shutter speed under the M setting to get the desired affect on the water, but

    the shots kept coming out over exposed or too bright. I tried to increase the

    Av and played with ISO as well, but I had no luck getting the shot I wanted.

    The sky was overcast, and it was mid-morning during the shooting time. There

    was a pond there that was frozen over, which I think was producing a lot of

    glare even thought the sky was overcast.


    Can anyone give me some pointers on how to to compensate for these factors



    Thank you.

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