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Posts posted by stephen_steele

  1. Hi,


    Thank you for that. At the moment, I do feel that my printer is faulty, but even if it is, I will just store my cartridges outside of the printer.


    If the seqeaking is normal when you switch on, is something supposed to happen when you switch off? My pritner just stops, without going through any kind of proccess. I think the printer heads are supposed to sit in three rubber housings, but I'm not sure if this is happening. What I am sure of is, that the cartridges are becoming dried out as soon as I switch the printer off.


    Best wishes



  2. Hi all,


    This question relates to post a few days ago regarding my HP 8750. My printing

    was badly effected by banding. So after reading and trying everything that I

    could think of, I finally tried to store the cartridges out of the printer and

    in their holders that comes with each cartridge.


    I'm glad to say that this worked, and now for the first time since I tried the

    printer, it is printing fine. However, I can only conclude that the print head

    is drying out when its in the printer. So my question is, given that the print

    cradle must not be doing something that its suppose to, is there anything that

    I can do about it?


    I've had the printer for a year, but because of poor health, this week is the

    first time that I've been able to try it, so I can't return it to the shop.


    When I turn the printer on, the cradle mechinism does seem to creek a lot,

    though I don't have anything to compare it to, so I don't know if this is

    normal. Could anyone tell me if this is suppose to happen? Also, when I switch

    the printer off, nothing really happens, and I do wonder if the cradle is

    failing to sit the cartridges in their protective vessels.


    Any ideas or solutions to this problem would be much appreciated.


    Best wishes


  3. Hi,


    I think I've traced my problem to the cartridges, rather than a fault with the printer. I couldn't get the grey to work at all, but then I tapped and shoock the cartridge a few times. This got it to work up to a point. That is the good news, the bad news is that I still can't get rid of the lines.


    to help others who may have a similar problem at present or in the future, I will try a manual clean and keep you informed. However, I can certainly say that I'm a lot happier than I was this time yesterday.


    Best wishes


  4. Hi,


    I've just been reading the HP 8750 manual. Looking at manual cleaning of cartridges, It says that "Lfet the printer lid then after the ink cartridges have moved to the center of the printer, unplug the power cord from the back of the printer"


    However, the cartridges never moved to the center, but stayed at the side of the printer. Does anyone know if the cartridges are supposed to move to the center, or is this a mistake on the part of the instructions?


    Also I've noticed a lot of bangs and creeks when the printer is in operation, does anyone know if this is suppose to be the case? or does yours run smoothly


    Best wishes


  5. Hi,


    Thanks for your replies. The three ink cartridges were never installed in the printer, however, I think that they may have gone past their sell by date.


    I've done several clean functions at three levels on the cartridges. Initially this made the problem worse, but now its just back the the way things were at the start. I'm confussed why the larg blue line on the test page shoud appear when the grey cartridges is taken out and then disapears when the grey is used. I think that I must accept the possibility that the printer is faulty. I will try to clean the cartridges manually and hope for the best.


    Best wishes


  6. Hi,


    I have a serious problem with my HP 8750. I bought it about 12 months ago, but

    this coincided with some health problems, so I haven?t wanted to use it until

    last week. The problem relates to the printing. When I tried it for the first

    time, the pictures were poor, so I did a test print. As expected this did not

    go well.


    For those of you who are familiar with the test printout, the very top bars

    printed with many of the fine lines missing and one of the grey colours

    missing completely on the very top left hand side. Directly underneath them,

    the thick blue, red and yellow lines printed out, but they have many lines

    through them.


    Then the large thick blue line underneath them, didn?t print at all. According

    to the manual, there were supposed to be three multi-coloured lines in the

    second half of the page. The top right did not print, but the other two did.


    I have tried to reinstall the cartridges, but that has not made any

    difference, except that when I didn?t use the grey cartridge, the long thick

    blue line printed, but when I replaced the grey cartridge, it didn?t, and the

    space was left blank.



    Any suggestions on what the problem could be, and any solutions would be much

    appreciated, as I think I?ve tried everything I can think of. This includes

    using the clean facility several times, removing and replacing the cartridge

    and reinstalling the drivers.


    Best wishes


  7. Hi,


    I have recently bought a Takumar 300mm F4 lens. Cosmetically, its in superb

    condition, but there are problems with one or some of the inside elements.

    There are some speaks that shine, the largest of these stretches to about 1

    inch. I'm not sure what they are, but when you direct the lens to the light,

    the speaks are very reflective, as if they?re silver coloured.


    I'm not sure if these speaks are fungus or oil or something else. I'm a bit

    reluctant to send it back, so I was wondering if you feel the problem could be

    repaired or if the problem is so severe that I?m better off returning it.


    Best wishes


  8. Hi,


    If a bricks and morter operator has an internet division, they do stand a better chance at long term survival than those that don't. However, if companies like jessops don't own their retail outlets, then the rents will drag them down.


    I sincerely hope that camera shops don't dissapear altogether, but If there to survival they must find a way of competing on something other than price.

  9. Hi,


    I think its impossible for a bricks and morter operator to compete with an internet company. Knowing a thing or two about business, I think most people have no idea how expensive retail rents are.


    However, I don't feel sorry for bricks and morter outlets, they've been getting away with selling over priced products and poor service for years.


    The real scandal is that we in the UK are paying anything from 70-90% more for our photography gear than those in the U.S.


    Best wishes


  10. Hi,


    Would it be possible for me to fit a k mount 1.4x teleonverter on to a Takumar

    screw lens via an adaptor, and then attach them to a K mount camera?. If I

    could, would the metering still work? The reason why I ask, is that I can only

    find an M42 2x converter for my Takumar 300mm F/4. I don't really want to go

    up to 2x because of the image degradation and the 2 stop loss.


    Best wishes


  11. Hi,


    If you don't want to spend too much money, the HP 8750 is great and prints to A3+ thats 13x19 inches. It uses a 9 cartridge system and produces exhibition quality B&W print.


    It is a fairly new model, but there are two issues that some people have with it. firstly its quite slow and the second is that some people find its colours too vivid. However, there is a lot about this printer on the Net, so you can judge for yourself. It can be had in the UK for about 320 GBP, perhaps cheaper if you look on the Net.


    Canon also produce a good economical models, however, there has been some debate about the longevity of its inks, and inks printed on the wrong type of paper have been reported to fade within hours.


    Best wishes


  12. Hi,


    Would it work if I bought a Pentax K bayonet camera, then bought a M42/Pentax bayonet adaptor, put it on the Takumar lens, then bought a bayonet type 1.4x converter/extender to go in-between the adaptor and the camera? Would this be possible and if so, would the automatic metering work?


    From what I've been reading, modern APO converters are much better than the older types, is this true?


    Best wishes


  13. Hi,


    Yes sadly I'm aware of that, which is why I was originally looking for a 1.4X converter. It seems that these were only made once the camera companies moved to bayonet fittings.


    Since I only have a 300mm F4 lens, there are two or three things that I have in mind. The first is to concerntrate on things that I can shoot and not to worry about the things that I can't. Another option would be to use an extension tube with the 300mm. This would mean that I can get closer to what I'm wanting to shoot. But I think I will buy a 2x converter to use very occasionally, then perhaps do so work in photoshop. All the M42 types that I've looked at seem very cheap, but I'm wondering if the Takumars are better then the average ones that you see.

  14. Hi,


    I recently bought a Takumur 300mm F/4 lens and I'm now looking for a converter

    to use with it. Originally, I wanted a 1.4X, but it seems these are extremely

    rare in M42 screw, so I will have to buy a 2x instead.


    Could anyone recommend one that you have previously used? I was thinking of

    staying with the Takumars, are these any good? If not are there any other good



    Best wishes


  15. Hi,


    I bought this Takumar 300mm F/4 today from ebay. I think its a super multi

    coated version, but I'm not entirely sure. Anyway the good news for me is that

    it comes with its original box but the bad new is that it doesn't come with a

    tripod mount. So I was wondering if its still possible to get a tripod mount

    for these cameras, and if so where might I get one from. I'm based in the UK,

    but I wouldn't mind buying in the U.S. Judging by the picture can anyone

    spread any light on the version I've got.


    Best wishes


  16. Hi,


    I wouldn't really want a 3x one because of the deterioration of the image and the loss of light. I would have liked a 1.4x converter because you only lose 1 stop and the deterioration of the image is minimal.


    I think I'll just have to get a good 2x and see if it suits. You see Takumar's quite often; are they any good?


    Its also good that when I do get a digital SLR, I understand that the focal length is multiplied by 1.5 taking me to 450mm. I'm now pretty sure I've got the super multi coated version.

  17. Hi,


    There are three words above Tukumar Lens on the box. I'm hoping that they say Super Multi Coated. I've tried to enhance them with photoshop, I think thats what it says, but I'm not absolutely certain.


    I know I should have asked, but I spotted it at about 2am, just before I went to bed. It had only been on ebay for two hourse. If I'd have waited till the morning, somebody would have shapped it up.


    Best wishes


  18. Hi,



    Could anyone please tell me if there was ever a M42 1.4x convertor/extender

    made. I've been looking all over and I only seem to see 2x.



    If you don't mind I do have a second question: can anyone please identify

    which Takumar 300mm F/4 I've bought on ebay. Stupidly, I was so exited when I

    saw it, that I forgot that they come in several versions. I live in the UK and

    you only rarely see them in any version. I hope the picture does qualify as

    fair use, as I have bought the lens.



    Best wishes


  19. Hi,


    I feel very heartend by this news, and perhaps it comfirms what I've been hearing, namely that sales of professional level 120 film have at least stabilised and may even be on the up.


    As for marketing strategies, my main complaint is that we in the UK are usually asked to pay about 70/90% more for the same product than those living in the USA. Higher taxes are only part of the reason why this is the case, I think its also that manufacturers can get away with it.



  20. Hi Dave,


    To be honest I don't have the necessary knowledge to agree or disagree with you. However, I'm beginning to think this issue is pretty fruitless excise. For example, The amount of good or bad technique used in a digital image will also inevitably have an effect on resolution, as indeed will lens and cell types. Therefore, I think its probaby rare for any medium to be pushed to its theoretical limits.


    The only other thing that I would say, is that the type of person who takes hundreds of snaps with their digital compacts and rarely prints any of them, is going to be very sorry in a few years time, when all their images have been lost.


    The reason that I've not bought a DSLR yet, is that I take so few pictures, I wouldn't be prepared to accept the financial depreciation involed in buying something similar to my Bronica. Besides, the largest I'll be printing to is 13"X19", which is the limit of my printer. Having said that, I have no doubt that film will be become increasingly a minority interest.


    Interesting debate thank you.



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