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Posts posted by mpburton

  1. Ya, that has generally worked out OK and then I just have to wait until they have taken a breath before getting a face shot, or try to talk in such a way that it dosn't relaly require me to think terribly much about what I'm saying - but I've only had varing amounts of luck with that so far...
  2. Ok, so I've got the equipment (D20, two strobes, background) and I can get the

    models (friends, people I approach, various groups I'm associated with) but how

    do I bring it all together?


    I get into a photo shoot, I'll have a prop or two, and maybe a few ideas - but I

    get so lost in the process of taking the shot I want that I don't provide any

    direction to the model(s). They end up feeling undirected. I'm very interested

    in macro shots, which dosn't really require the model to do much - but right...

    you always want to get "The Look" that blows past the photographer and directly

    connects the model to the audience.


    Any ideas?

  3. I am a happy 20D owner, and I find some my best shots happen unplanned. For that

    reason, I always carry around my 20D so I don't miss out on that "one really

    amazing shot."


    My issue is the amount of glass I end up weighing myself down with.


    Right now I am in the possession of three lenses; the kit EFS 18-55, a Canon

    Ultrasonic 28-105, and a TokinaAT-X PRO 17mm.


    It is most certainly not the most optimal setup. The kit lenses amazingly light

    along with providing a decent wide-angle shot suffers bring being a medium-low

    quality lens and doesnメt have much "punch" for distance. The 28-105 is fast,

    relatively heavy, gets relatively good distance, but can't be used for anything

    approaching wide-angle. The 17mm is great for wide angle but doesnメt have much



    What I would like is an all around solid single lens that would allow me to

    leave the others at home when I'm just out on the town. I don't have oodles of

    money, so I'm probably looking at the $200-$400 range.


    Any suggestions?

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