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jd marion

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Image Comments posted by jd marion

  1. Mike--This is a really fine shot, especially the way the light pours through the curtain and onto the wall just back of the chair. Good range of tones throughout and capture of a mood. I love the contrast between the light bars to the left of the chair and the dark bars of the chair itself. I even wonder if you possibly have yet another photo in this one by focusing just on the chair and the light reflections above it.

    Your usual terrific work--I, too, am endlessly fascinated by the play of light through windows, the shadows and reflections cast therefrom. Here you are truly "painting with light." I'm off for back surgery in the morning and this image will be a good one for me to carry with me to reflect on.


    I'm glad you chose to tell us where this location is and why it's important to you--that makes the image more meaningful to me.


    Regards to you and Jane.


    Theo--This portrait is so powerfully direct and appealing. I was immediately drawn in to those eyes. Her personality really speaks through this photo and the light and shading are just right. Terrific work!
  2. Thanks, Mike! I've wanted for a long time to photograph behind the counter at a soda fountain so one Saturday afternoon Doug and I wandered in and the fountain was closed. So that's when I got the shots. I think this one is my favorite because that fountain really does look like the long graceful neck of some kind of sculptural bird! Anyway, I had a blast making these shots. Now I'm hankering to go back and have another session there.


    This photo reminds me of some of the portraits done by the Dutch Masters, especially the sister on the right. Even the color here brings to mind some of those Flemish masterpieces. This is a truly wonderful capture of moods and personalities. I'd even enjoy seeing this photo separated into two, with each sister being a single portrait. Terrific!

    The Wave

    Extraordinary use of colors! But the lean to the right of the flowers is the truly creative and brilliant touch. Bravo! Such interaction between color and form here that I'm very intrigued.
  3. I love the point of view on this one. I can smell those Star Gazers now! Really nice composition. And I say that knowing how difficult it is to get an image of a flower that isn't ho-hum and so traditional. Great work.

    la hwy 71

    Way to go, Linda! This is one of those photos that jumps out at me, partly because of the way those clouds pop, but also because it's a familiar scene: the old and abandoned, left by the roadside and rarely noticed except by those of us drawn to such images. I've thought many years about why these structures are so powerful to me and the best I've been able to say is that these are our history, and if you're southern, you're haunted by history, all those lives lived before you and the shell that remains that echoes so eloquently the life that once reverberated within. Deliver me from the new malls and places that have no history--but god help us, that's what so many nowadays want: the latest, the newest, the most fashionable. I'll always be intrigued by the worn surfaces of things, buildings or objects, and forever captivated by thinking about the hands that created and used them.

    Doug & Dog

    OK guys, I'm the card carrying AARP member and seniorest of the group. Come on down and you both can use my card for the best rates. Nice shot, Mike. I like the implied drama here between Doug & dog: they both seem preoccupied by something outside the photo!
  4. For me the tilt works in this photo--it's obviously the past we can't return to and so often that world is all out of whanker! This is a really nice b & w with some marvelous details. I love the Garret Snuff sign on the left as well as the ladder back chair on the right. These serve to accentuate the scale and cash register. Terrific work, Mike!
  5. Bente--As you know from looking at my window photograph, I'm very attracted to photos involving windows and natural light. This one is subtle, with just a hint of what lies beyond that window, the light playing off the right side of the windowframe with those thick walls suggesing stability and strength as a contrast to the hazy film of the window itself. I could look at this photo for hours and never tire of it. Thank you for such sustaining and powerful work!
  6. Thanks for your very nice comment, Bente! My encounter with this man and his dog was one of the most interesting moments of that Saturday not too long ago. The man told me the dog was totally scared of everything and wanted him or his wife to hold him almost all the time. But what I saw was that the dog looked as though he really believed he was one fierce animal, especially in the secure hands of his owner. And this man's devotion to this dog was so evident to me. So--your comment, Bente, made me feel that I had indeed captured what I had hoped for in this shot.
  7. The side-turned look is stunning and compelling. She is indeed interesting and you've conveyed that with the composition (really like the polka-dotted background and the way the white eyeliner on the eyelids is highlighted. Lovely!

    Horticulture Man

    This portrait tells a story and does it simply and effectively. I can almost hear this man's voice and way of speaking. You've captured a certain determination in his look. Really nice portrait!

    The Moss

    I love the composition and setting on this one. And the woman's eyes add quite a fine effect too! That touch of light in her hair is a superb capture. Bravo on this portrait. Danny Marion

    Dora portrait


    Wow, now that's a portrait that no one can resist looking at again and again. That smile is captivating. You've got a fine eye for composition too! Thanks.

    Danny Marion

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