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Image Comments posted by bill_somerville

  1. Man! That's some pretty intense commentary a few posts up!


    Truth is, I have no pretensions of being a great photographer - not even a serious hobbyist - and I certainly wasn't out to prove some point by using the Stylus Epic. My "serious" camera is an Olympus OM-1, purchased 25 years ago, and I take both with me these days when I travel. (The Stylus Epic is usually in my shirt pocket for quick shots while hiking in the boonies or walking around a city.)


    When I woke up that morning, the sunrise was already near its prime, I think. I hadn't really planned on taking photos at dawn (as I sometimes do on trips), but the supernatural light was pouring in the window, so I grabbed both cameras after pulling on my clothes. The Stylus had 100 ASA film in it (practically the end of the roll), while the OM-1 had 800 ASA film that I was using for interior shots of the old hotel (foreground of the pic) the previous day. I decided to finish off the roll in the Stylus Epic before "getting serious". It was the first time I had ever put it on a tripod, but have done it a few times since. (Yes; it looks pretty silly perched on even a compact backpacking tripod!) I finished the roll in a minute or two. I got the mountain without the buildings in one of the shots, but I really like the muted building in the foreground, and the way the little spire mimics the mountain. I think they help give scale to the mountain.


    Unfortunately, by the time I had changed the film in the OM-1 and put it on the tripod, the sunrise was starting to fade. I have another dozen shots, none as good as this one. And, yeah; it looks GREAT as an 11 x 14 print, box-mounted on the wall of my office just behind my computer monitor.


    Per a request made above, I rescanned it for a larger image. The new scan is in the same folder. I still haven't really gotten the hang of scanning... very new thing for me, with rather low-end equipment. I guess I ought to get the negative scanned someplace.


    - Bill

    Choir Boys


    I wish I had taken this with slower ASA film, but it was existing

    light, inside, with a long lens. Kodak Royal Gold 1000, I think. Does

    it still work?

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